No RP-PvP server?

I’ve played RP-PvP my entire WoW career.
The one time I stepped off of RP it just made me think I was surrounded my 13 year olds.

RP servers don’t usually have people in character, to me it’s just a server type that attracts less horrible randos

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Can someone explain to me why we need a specific server for every type of player? If you have a community… just have them roll on the same server and play your way together. The problem here is you DO NOT have a community. You’re hoping to FIND a community. Why would Blizz spend their already sub-par resources on this type of problem? Sorry to say, but you make up an insignificant portion of the player-base, which is why you can’t find each other.

Good point, just put PvE players on PvP servers


So the RP-PvP community has pretty much chosen Mutanus as the “unofficial” RP-PvP server in lieu of Blizzard not providing us an actual one.

It would be amazing for Blizzard to rubber stamp it and change Mutanus into RP-PvP


Who cares…who asked…

I’m disappointed you made this thread.

and we’ll make more threads til we get what we want

What if you don’t?

Sorry to say that you quite literally have no idea what you’re talking about. One of retail WOW’s best guilds before they quit in Legion was Reckoning of Mannoroth that played on Lightninghoof for 5 years before finally leaving.

Emerald Dream was ALWAYS a high pop server through every major expansion (I stopped on legion but from TBC ----> Legion - super populated).

Moonguard also always massively populated - even outside of Goldshire.

Same with Wyrmrest Accord.

Quite plainly put - your post makes absolutely no sense. You should feel bad for even posting it.

Sub-par resources? Do you not know how much money Blizzard has? What we are asking for is not some super complex thing. We just want them to relabel one of the pvp servers, that they already have, to rppvp that’s it. It’s something they can have some intern do.