No progress is granted for Vicious Saddle

As the title implies, I have not been earning any progress towards the subsequent Vicious Saddle after earning the current Seasonal mount for Rated PvP Wins. I have clearly won games above the required rating in several different modes, but the progress is at 0%


Same issue here. UI just shows 67% of Vicious Saddle and never moves.

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Mine is 0%, won various games and nothing changes, this is rly disappointing since im doing pvp exactly for those cause im bad :frowning:


Same issue here! Stuck at 2% and have won several games since :frowning:

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just report it and open a ticket a couple of times until they fix it. Pretty bad that it taking this long. Been weeks now.

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How i even open a ticket these days? every time i try, i get the site telling me to go to wowhead or report a bug in the launcher - that i already did

This isn’t an issue GMs are going to be able to assist with.

Lmao, you are wrong.

Not this time, unless you consider being told to submit a bug report as assistance

Well you are right in that case but surely Blizzard will fix this. GMs better be reporting this to devs atleast

GMs don’t officially report anything to the devs.

Which is why if you want the devs to see it, you’d better report it yourself.

Same issue here, been 10 days since first reported. Multiple posts across forums about this issue, still no acknowledgement from Blizz. Vicious Saddles are a huge motivating factor for doing casual 2s/3s with friends. Blizz please fix

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Lets see if today reset will change anything

Same Issue here. Got the Veteran of the Horde achievement, but no Vicious Saddle was awarded. I already have the wolf from a previous achievement. Submitted multiple tickets over the course of two months going back and forth. They only told me to report it as a bug and that GMs could not award me the saddle. They even told me that opening further tickets regarding this issue would be closed. I got the achievement when the warbands combined all of my RBG wins, no saddle. On beta it mailed it to my mail box as intended. The GM’s tickets told me they couldn’t do anything, which isn’t true. They have been able to restore things in the past. I think, and its just a theory but I think the warband feature must have messed something up in the back end.

I have made forum posts and reported this but nothing.

Come on blizzard, fix this

Im once again asking for a fix

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taking way to long. sigh

still not fixed yey

I also confirm this is not a visual bug because I do have more than 100 wins in 3s and my progress is still stuck on 42/100

Same here. Does anyone know if there’s been any official word on this at all? Even acknowledging it as a bug?

Same here. Does anyone know if there’s been any official word on this at all? Even acknowledging it as a bug?