No option to report mail?

Hi there, someone was being abusive in mail and It made me realize blizzard removed the option to report in-game mail? Ticket times say 13 days and one of my tickets already auto-closed itself because ‘ticket times are too long’ but I had someone that was both harassing me, PoC players, and using methods to try to bypass ignores.

I hope there’s either another way to report mail or get this problem resolved.

Have you tried resetting your User Interface? I just checked in game on some mail and the Report Player option should still be there.



That seems to have fixed it, even though I had reset my UI last night due to another issue another reset seems to have fixed it. Guess something got stuck again at some point, thanks. Though it appears at this point the person who sent it deleted the character they sent it on, hopefully the report goes through properly.


I’m pretty sure the GMs have access to the mail logs and can track down the miscreant.