No one listens to open world players

You’ve just been telling posters to find another game to play.

If they are that unhappy then yes. Playing a different game is more realistic than expecting the devs to cater to solo players and give them bis lol

Pretty sure an mmorpg needs players to function and catering to everyone would be in everyone interests.

Do you have a point?

That you had no point lol.

You’ll have to be more specific. I can’t read your intent over the internet.

Catering to players that refuse to partake in the full game by giving them BIS isn’t in the best interest of the game.

This goofy idea that you need to protect a “rep” is lunacy. If you need to protect a rep, that’s on you more than anyone you are responding to lol.

If better systems existed it might.

The systems are fine as they are.

People asking for better than normal raid loot are entitled.

Ardmccloud is too heated for these forums.

She is on a break.

Neat, still didn’t change what was said.

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They’re not when you can play something for 4$ and find more rewarding entertainment.

Well just for what you think I’m doing but not for anyone else.

Pretty sure that goes contrary to what you said lol.

So go play that $4 game. You are a member of the minority that clearly don’t enjoy the game because you don’t put any effort into it

If you put half the effort into your characters as you do trying to troll me on the forums the game would probably be more enjoyable for you.

No because I can see through them end to end.

And they’re just not fun to play.

The statistics are MEANINGLESS. I don’t understand why no one gets that.

This is about making end game zones good. Everyone goes there at least once for some reason. Why the hell people have to try to dismiss others because “muh facts” is insane. All they’re doing is destroying the point of the thread.


What defines “good?”