No one likes borrowed power

I don’t mind borrowed power.

It’s a way to test new things across the game, specs, and classes.

Thrall lost his shaman power in pandaria - there’s no reason we can’t gain and lose power as the world around us changes.

But those bonuses came and went and were replaced with new bonuses.

That’s borrowed power.

Hey at least it was actually fun

Sure, feel free to check my achievements. :slight_smile:

'member when borrowed power was just the raid tier of the patch?
Life 'members.

No one likes getting dazed either but Blizzard won’t remove that crap.

A reason why I also dislike how blizzard “buffs” random wildlife to match the power level of everything around it. Very lazy if you ask me. You can have a little crab that could solo onyxia running around in nazjatar…

But then taking away borrowed power would force Blizzard to actually change classes and make them engaging without means of another source, and we all now how AMAZING they are at doing that. You seem to be insinuating that I like these systems and that I think they place they have in the game, which I’m not, at all. I hate them actually.

Those aren’t borrowed powers that made your class functional. Those are just items. The legendaries had a talent tree.

There was only 1 system of borrowed power in Legion and it was given a massive catch-up mechanic so it didn’t even matter. I could hop on any level 120 and all I had to worry about was ilvl before declaring it my main. I could do that in every expansion for this entire game, since vanilla… Except BfA. In BfA if I want to play a different character, I need to sacrifice months of my life before it can surpass my main and the “catch up” mechanics we’re given are somewhere between an insult and a joke.

Well, I love it.

Just imagine, Zinrokh, Destroyer of Worlds from Zul Gurub (Classic). Yeah, with pure stats, it was awesome. But put a Twilight Devastation Rank 3 on it, it becomes twofold more amazing.

Just imagine how it procs on AoE then you follow up with your Rank 3 Focusing Iris, spectacular and immense beam melting down of mobs is so satisfying to behold.

Yup, I love it. Compare it to just plain Zinrokh… That’s plain boring.

You are just salty becoz your so called borrowed power is so few and weak. Unlike mine, it was amazing even before the Welfare Echos of Nyalotha.

You mean no one likes paladins and warlocks?

I like the “borrowed power” approach.

Ever since vanilla, it’s been nice having things change. Back then it was tier set bonuses. Now it’s much more than that.

It’s a great way to test out new things for each class/ spec.