No one likes borrowed power

For all of you saying you miss “old WoW”, why aren’t you playing Classic?


Indeed there seems to be nothing left of the character to bring.

All that you learned, all that kept you going through leveling, all that you might have loved about the class and race you chose, is over-shadowed by the rent-a-power system. Its like cheap graffiti, artless slashes of aerosol across your character.

True that these are end level mcguffins wherein there can be no advancement. But certainly there can be some hint of agency remaining? Some flavor that players can call upon to name themselves through the rigors of max level?

Perhaps Sl will show the lesson learned with it’s new mogs indicative of one covenant or another. Some expression at a level somewhat less than quarter c-bill mounts. Something the devs can stomach releasing into the wild.

Giving players training wheels for the bike that they aren’t even pedaling feels hollow and empty.

Maybe give them something they can take with them.

Even if it does nothing more than look interesting, players will enjoy it more that a blast of DPS that has nothing to do with them.

I’m just butthurt they change abilitiEs, talents and got rid of glyphing. Plus they turn off set bonuses… ughhh

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I also do not like the fact blizz is spamming my character screen and forcing gear in my gear slots.Hey blizz do yall just want to play my toon for me? they need to add an expansion slot and keep their grubby hands off my toon.

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Let’s make this a boyband song baby.

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Sorry but no. Our character dont grown with those system. The portal that i had in legion are gone. Also i don’t see how my hunter ‘‘grow’’ by trowing blue spell.

Azerite spell are just so much out of the class thematic if you are not a mage. My spell are nearly all green. Why out of sudden i have a blue/yellow spell??? Why does my hunter know how to throw a spell???


I liked when I was a simple adventurer and what made me great was my efforts, not some stupid trinket.


its really crappy to put so much work into leveling up our borrowed power system only to have it removed. I get we outgrow our gear but at least its not taken away from us. A player with good gear going into a new expansion generally has an easier time for a few levels over someone that is in quest greens.

Wow is the only MMO that I know of that does this. Other games that I have played anything you earn is yours to keep. Look at Everquest if you earned the AA abilities to run faster back in 2001ish when Luclin came out you still to this day have that AA that lets you run faster. Its not fun having stuff taken away from you every expansion prepatch.

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If Shadowlands really does continue this trend then I’ll play it even less than BfA, if that’s even possible.

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forgot to equip the right azerite ballgag, brb


Someone in this cave is mining Azerite from the world’s open wounds!

Poot a stohp to eht!

I just laughed out loud at this.

I agree with the OP though. I really hate borrowed power. I miss tier sets and just getting gear. I miss powerring up my character not some fancy wheel of death.

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Each expansion has new mechanics. What you are asking for is to remove new mechanics. Do you want to maintain old mechanics over and over on new expansions without new systems? That would be BORING.

Legion’s Artifact Weapon System and its legendaries are okay.
BFA’s Heart of Azeroth Neck System - Azerites and Essences and Corruption System is okay.

Actually, I had fun and a blast on each of those expansion. On Legion, I was able to come up with my own Relics combo that balanced my Single Target and AoE DPS. And I was able to play around which legendaries to use on each respective scenarios… There’s legendaries for raid and M+. There’s legendaries for Mage Tower challenge. There’s legendaries to beat and tame Fenryr. I loved it.

Now, I am having a Blast on BFA. I love collecting gear with Azerite Traits and come up with Set of Traits for AoE and Traits for Single Targets. I love collecting Essences and configure my main Essences according what to scenarios I would do. Then I love collecting Corrupted Gear. I have tons of it… on every slot. I love the ability to play around which combo to wear. Could be very aggressive but risky… or just use mild ones but safe. The most important is I could change the difficulty of the game scenarios I am playing. Like on PvE World, Islands Expedition (to get titan residuum treasures), Heroic Warfront (for ilevel 460 loots) and on Raid Trash… such scenarios where I am UNKILLABLE… and it could become boring but it didnt becoz I could spice it up by using maximum Corruptions… giving those scenarios a chance to kill me. It’s the only expansion that could let me adjust my personal difficulty settings. And I really love it. Hope they carry this on Shadowlands.

I remember getting the Rank 3 Essence on Mechagon. I was not able to get them on 8.2 becoz of my limited playtime. Only got 2 attempts and both failed when I failed to carry people… They keep on dying. Anyway, 8.3 allowed us to get rank 3 by just collecting the quest items on Normal Or Heroic Mechagon (I forgot). Of course, this was so EASY on me and I could get bored doing it. But it didnt when I max’d out my Corruptions on it to have fun while I carry those lowbies. BTW, that’s how I learned how to use max Corruptions and later apply it on Raids and M+.

See… each expansion offered different kind of fun and entertainment. And I love it. Keep it going. I agree with Blizz putting New Systems every expansion.


Exactly. Stop introducing systems. Remove them and stop putting them back in. Everyone respected and enjoyed the game more before all this weird game design became trendy. What systems were there in Lich King? TBC? Vanilla? … Cata? … Mop? … Dreanor? … None.

Legion had one. ONE system. ONE! … ONE! 1. One. Single. One. For the whole expansion, only one. It was fine. That’s fine. That’s acceptable.

If we just had Heart of Azeroth? Okay, cool. That makes sense. It ties into literally everything.

But no… We have azerite traits, we have essences, we have corruption, we have the cloak, we have the HoA, and to get the things you need for whatever playstyle you want there are islands, warfronts, dungeons, mythic+diablo rifts, invasion rifts, raids, rep grinds, etc etc etc just so that you can have a complete and viable character for whatever part of the game you want to play.

No. No that was NOT always part of the game. People need to stop lying and saying it was. It wasn’t. I have played this game and I have never needed to do this stuff before.

It’s too much and I hate it. This is by far and absolutely, objectively, the worst expansion by magnitudes and at this point anyone who disagrees with that FACT is either dishonest or delusional.

AKA the OG borrowed power…

I haven’t played this game for long, so I only really remember going from tier 19 to tier 20. As a Sub rogue, that transition was a blast. As Sin, though, it was pure cancer because our new borrowed power was higher ilvl but mechanically far inferior.

I never want to feel that sort of disappointment again, even if it means something like the Legendary/Azerite/Essence system.

Sets generally just enhanced us or the abilities we already have. We’ve have gotten new abilities with the neck that once I remove it I will no longer be able to do.
That isn’t the same as a set bonus giving me +15% on my heals or a reduction of a cool down.

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It may be a bit of hyperbole to say ‘no one likes borrowed power’. However, I have to agree that depending on it for character advancement, expansion after expansion, is excessive.

I’d honestly be fine with all these temporary systems if we were also getting permanent stuff to go along with it. Why can’t each new expansion at least introduce a new talent row as well? Is even that asking for too much? We haven’t gotten one since WoD, with SL now being the third expansion in a row that hasn’t given us one.


You can’t add every expansion, or at some point you are bloated.

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Just bring back Tier sets and stop with things like HoA/Artifacts. Personally I actually do like infinite grinds, but in WoW it doesn’t really work, because even if you put in the work, I with a level 95 HoA will be doing maybe 200 more DPS than someone with a level 90 HoA. So the reward for grinding just isn’t there.