No one is forcing you to pvp

The point was to simulate the Scourge plague. No one I know goes out of their way to grief players. We all just enjoy helping others.

Blizz did not add an event, saying, “Go grief each other!” :roll_eyes:


There is griefing in this forum! Anyone who complains about being forced into PvP is implied to be a baby. This is EXACTLY what happened in 2009. They knew what it was going to do. This isn’t their first rodeo.


thats my reaction the the whiners about this week long event that was nerfed to the ground from what it was before.


And again, I think the self exploding spell is creepy. There is no other spell like in in WoW and there shouldn’t be.

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Oh no - you have to run to the tram? The travesty.

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Blizzard said this:


This. This. This. Say it louder for those in the back.


the forced flagging got me too. I didn’t even know there was a zombie event, I came to the forums to see if it was a bug. I chose PVE for a reason.
Glad I cancelled my subscription


There was a fair amount of complaining when this happened in pre-patch wrath.

This is a chance to take a break from your normal weekly routine. You can either sit it out for a week and wait for it to pass or participate. I wouldnt even really call it pvp since it’s really players vs zombies. I mean it’s just strange why people insist on sticking to their normal routine right before the expac launch.

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I totally agree, this may be the all time most stupid thing that Blizzard has done! Do the makers of this game really need to force someone to PVP? Isn’t it bad enough you force us to make a talent choice in a PVP section that will not stop popping up unless something is selected? I know you own the game and I guess this company does not care about the people that pay to play the game, and I know it is my choice to play or not, and if I don’t like it don’t play. Please give the people that do not like PVP and do not play PVP the option to opt out instead of making us sitting ducks for the mentality challenged that just want to attack another live player to prove how great they are.


What times has a raid boss invaded a Battleground or Arena match and corpse camped everyone?

When has a PVE event made it where you couldn’t PVP for the whole week?


You’re not forced to PvP. Getting flagged outside of Warmode is not forcing you to PvP.

Wrong. It exists on Scourge outside the event. We’ve seen them explode elsewhere.

Once again… no one is forcing you to PvP. Being flagged outside of Warmode in your city is not PvP. Get on your flying mount, go to a new city, whatever.

Fun fact: I just sat in Orgrimmar for an hour and was never once zombified. On Wyrmrest.

People need to stop being so dramatic.


I am more than willing to avoid the capital city to let PVPers pvp.

I am even willing to recognize that it is their turf this week, it’s only a week.

But, as a newly rolled alt, you need to allow me to start Chromie time from somehwere else than the middle of Stormwind, or start BFA from somewhere else than the middle of Stormwind. Then you’ll not hear me complain !



Do any of those have portal rooms?

Maybe you should try reading the entire post.


Of course it is!

Its the very definition of being forced as you chose NOT to do it and it happened regardless of what you chose.


You are flagged outside of Warmode. Unless you stand directly in the path of a zombie on purpose or hit a roach on purpose, you’re not PvPing with anyone.

This drama seriously needs to stop.


Go mistweaver and cleanse yourself. Next problem?

Or chi torpedo away from zombies that are exploding.

Hold w key. The possibilities are endless.


event had a 2 month notice period
anti-event group: surprise pikachu face


How dare you bring a balanced, adult outlook onto these boards. I don’t know who you think you are, but take your rational self back to wherever it is you came from. I want what I want, when I want it, precisely how I want it. I can’t be bothered in any way shape or form to lower my enjoyment 1% so others can enjoy something that I don’t.

I demand blizzard mails me 100 WoW tokens for what they’ve done.

I had WM off to protect myself from any tomfoolery, but a ghoul just jumped me in the transmog room in Boralus.

He’s dead now.

If you’re out there little ghoul, bring backup next time!

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