No New Customizations is the "Don't you guys have phones" of 2021

so let me get this straight.

you are telling me there’s a large group of the community that want more systems, story and pathfinder types of systems over just having armor, customizations, and cosmetics?

i mean, if i had to place a bet, i’d bet against you on this one. even though you’re technically right, i don’t see a huge outcry for more systems in this game. in fact, i’d say it’s the biggest complaint.

either way, you’re right, i just speak for myself. but it’s also my perception of things…i’m part of several different communities, so just sharing my view.

if you see a different side of it, that’s cool. :wine_glass: :frog:


True, but it’s also not most peoples’ priority, which is the bigger point. Blizzard isn’t going to focus on it right now because other things are more important.

It’s the part of the community that thinks cosmetics are priority #1 I’m referring to in this case.

Not more. Fixes. They’re not great, and need to be fixed before they add new earrings for Nightborne.

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well i don’t disagree with you there. i think state of the game has to be in a good spot first before any fluff.

but i do wish they would shift their focus going forward, in say like the next expansion

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Can someone explain to me why people are so obsessed with customisation options?

I don’t see why they are a big deal when everyone just slaps armour all over them selves and we spend 99.999999% of our game time looking at the back of our heads

I do personally want more customizations myself. I just try to see from their perspective when I can. It’s easy for us to say gimme gimme but when it’s a thousand different “gimmes” it stretches them thin.

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We are also talking about a multi-billion dollar megacorp with multiple, well-established departments.

The team that would be coming up with new, for instance, hairstyles are not going to be the ones designing dungeons, writing stories or balancing classes. Blizzard have also all but completely given up on making new Allied Races (also despite their earlier claims) so that isn’t the reason either. Speculation perhaps (and that’s all any of us can really make) but I dare say the talent is being syphoned off to other projects rather than hiring more talent for those other teams.

Pretty much the dogma of NuBlizz these days sadly.

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Incorrect, this is done on the helmet side of things, not the hair.

Notice how when you put on the pink party hat it makes you go bald? This is an issue with the pink party hat, not every hairstyle.


What would you prefer the art team manpower be allocated towards then? New zones? New Allied Races? Class Armour sets?

Because you are not getting any of those either.


I mean, mythic raiders would probably be happy to play the game if their character were a grey circle on the screen. For them, wow is pure numbers with no RPG value.

But cutting-edge world-first players are the tiniest fraction of the overall population. The vast majority of wow’s subscribers are casual and semi-casual.

It’s the part of the community that thinks cosmetics are priority #1 I’m referring to in this case.

It’s not about it being #1 priority, it’s about it being a priority at all.
If Ion had said “yeah, we’re putting customization on the backburner for 9.1 but we’ll be back at it for 9.2” I guarantee you would not see the outrage. It’s the fact that customization was given to us as a primary selling feature of this game, and then snatched away and we were told we would not get any at all.

That’s not number 1 priority, that’s no priority.

Not more. Fixes. They’re not great, and need to be fixed before they add new earrings for Nightborne.

You do realise that not every employee of Blizzard does the same thing, right?
This is an art department issue. Artist labour would not be used A T A L L in the fixing of systems unless our conduits, like, needed new icons.

Blizzard artists =/= Blizzard coders =/= Blizzard system developers

They are different people in different departments. That’s why this decision is so boggling.


People like to customise their character and have them look a specific way. Its not just in this game, its pretty universal across games. Go and look up character customisation stuff and how many people look into that. Or go look at Skyrim or Fallout mods and see how much is just character customisation stuff

Transmog is character customisation in of itself, just for armor rather than the base character


i mean depends who, on my nightborne my head is pretty much exposed and you can see the details of runic tattoo and hairstyle, so for me more hairstyles and options like these will be so amazing

also people like to customize things to make it more of their own style and express themselves, similar to transmogs, not everyone covers themselves up with sets that you can’t see the details
its just games in general, like in racing games people get so hyped up if there is any sort of customization available to them, it just makes things more exciting


“You think you do but you don’t” is pretty much the best way to summarize the situation up. I would be more okay with waiting until like 9.2 for some actual customization options, but there’s no reason to stop right now. There simply isn’t. You either are not working on it at all, Blizzard, or you are storing them up for a rainy day. That rainy day is now. This was a promised feature and we want what little updates we can get throughout the course of the expansion. Be them eyebrows, ears, hair colors, eye colors, or whatever. Just give us something.


Be them eyebrows, ears, hair colors, eye colors, or whatever. Just give us something.

God yes please, I’ve been BEGGING for better eyebrows for blood/void elves for YEARS I’M SICK OF THEM POKING THROUGH ANY AND ALL HELMETS PLEASE BLIZZARD


If they can throw out another Raid they can give us some custom. and new races and classes and something other than another OP dung/raid/dung/raid/system/repeat. No offense raiders…they should be able to put out both.


WoD: “We’re skipping a raid tier so we can focus on more content”
WoD has the biggest content drought in history

Legion: “We’re not making weapon models so we can focus on more raid content”
Legion has the most buggy mythic/heroic raid encounters and world first guilds feel like unpaid beta testers

BfA: “We’re removing set bonuses so we can focus on more varied armor models and content”
BfA has the most recycling of armor models for PvE and PvP in the games entire history

I’m beginning to see a trend.


I feel you. My nightborne main would kill for the darker night elf skin tones as well as hairstyles. If only we could get customization like this.


And I think the faces are all still exactly the same, just with different eye patches.
(I could be wrong, I hope I’m wrong, but…)

You all make me laugh Blizzard ARE NOT SPENDING A CENT ON THIS GAME, as it effectives the bottom line which will upset SHAREHOLDERS. But upon saying that they give themselves huge pay raise and get materials things, so they’re basically investing the money in themselves not this game. I can’t believe you can’t see that.


Holy crap… I don’t even know how much gold I have spent on EACH of my toons on transmogs and barbershop. I think I have spent sometimes more than an hour on one toon to try to get one specific transmog that matches with options from barbershop. Like I won’t even play that toon until I have the perfect matching xmog and hairstyle/hair color. And I have serious commitment issues so I get bored with a look in a very short amount of time.
Don’t even get me started on my void elf toons… God, that 50% discount on transmog racial is very deceiving. I think I have spent MORE gold on customization in barbershop and transmog for my VEs than any of my other toons, lol.