Aww how cute. A Bromance
Gonna gonna give you guys some alone time
Aww how cute. A Bromance
Gonna gonna give you guys some alone time
whoa, where was this sentiment when DK was surgically removed from PVP this season?
Surgically I feel implies precision, strategy, and using your brain…
They smashed their faces across a keyboard and blanket nuked them.
responing to the DK nerfs…
its the 3rd time they have done this nerf going into a fresh xpac, they really don’t want to see DKs succeed in S1. i say surgical because it feels like some dev has a personal vendetta against DKs and knows exactly how to screw us over. we got kneecapped going into BfA S1, again in SL S1, and now a 3rd time in a row with DF S1. its really hard not to wish the devs ill will with this kind of abuse and bullying from them.
I know right, they should of done them slowly and with a smile.
Please just get rid of tanks in pvp
Why? You’re still going to have healers that you can’t kill.
The worst thing you can do to a healer is cc him. When I can’t cast spells my teammates die around me and then I die easily at the end. The smartest players kick and cc the hell out of me or yes. A healer is gonna win the game for them if they are worth their weight. Not even sure why you would attacks tank just ignore them. Like bees. Just at least until nerf. leave them alone lol
But I mean I guess at the end of the day who cares we will all be doing rbgs and arena so you just won’t see many tanks except the alloted one for your team.
Comprehension of trolls is even more difficult!
He really didn’t see. That’s why he added “Corrected” to the title. It’s just that Blizzard’s post was sectioned strangely.
TBH, the guardian druid nerfs were the ones that were the most deserved. Bear is disgustingly op and tanks have no place in pvp
You like when a healer keeps people alive, right? Tanks perform a similar role, though different tanks have different methods of doing so.
Paladin tanks are practically healers themselves, while Warriors, DHs, and Monks are heavy on control and disruption, and then DKs and Druids rely on livelording as a form of taunt.
Some are certainly more effective than others, but ultimately they serve a similar role as healer. Why then are you okay with healers keeping players alive, but not tanks? I understand the current state of Guardian, which is beyond broken and will be fixed, but there’s a huge leap from saying “Guardian is out of line” and “all tanks have no place in PVP”.
Oh yeah you are right they are exactly the same.
Odd that you can’t tell the difference between these two.
Odd you can’t tell the difference between wows tanks and wows healers.
I’m not sure what part of similar role you’re struggling to grasp. What is the purpose of the healing that a healer does throughout the match? To keep his teammates alive, yes? People often express gratitude for a healer who has performed exceptionally well throughout a match.
When a tank manages to top healing in a BG, rather than gratitude, you have people calling for nerfs and general trash-talking of the spec. But while that tank’s healing was almost entirely self-healing (healers usually are as well), all of that damage was inflicted on the tank instead of his teammates, which allowed the teammates to stay alive that much longer.
In both cases, the death of one’s allies is greatly delayed or staved off completely. And while the means to the end were certainly not identical, how can you appreciate the heals from a healer but despise the tank who has managed to draw the fire of the opposing team away from the rest of the team?
I’ll spell it out since you are a tank player and need it.
A healer in wow is a Chad, they selflessly keep their team safe and moving while have mongos bline at them, they have to be aware of their enemy and surroundings at all time.
A tank player is a doofus, they run around playing a spec a one fingered chimp could play livelording and yelling I am the law. They have no clue why and what happened all they know is they had 6 dps hitting them and are standing at the top of the hill laughing as they wasted the time of everyone involved.
The emotion in here is stronk.
lmfao. this made me crack up.
im going to make a damn macro for that when i cast sleeper now
I play all 3 specs on several classes.
So what a tank does, but while standing 40 yards back instead of on the front line. Thanks for clearing that up for us.
If 6 dps were hitting the tank instead of the tank’s teammates, it sounds like he was doing his job well and his teammates were free of damage, interrupts, and CC and were able to do what they do best. You could argue that he wasted the opposition’s time, but if his own teammates were worth a damn, the luxury he afforded them should have resulted in victory.
So why do you feel the need to insult the person playing the tank spec well but you feel the person playing a healer deserves to be praised? Even you have to be realizing how irrational your disdain for tanks is starting to sound.