No Mounts In The Maw?

Where’s my lunch money, nerd? slams you against lockers
This is only for Ghost Wolf people, NERD!

What’s this mo-bil-ity you speak of?

Is that something you eat?

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Unfortunately that’s temporary, mine only comes off in combat :smiley:

They said they CAN open up mounts in time but they won’t right away.

What if I told you the mobs have true sight in the maw? They thought of that.

I can’t hear you over casting Spirit Wolf form. XD

And in this moment I found my main for Shadowlands. Hellllooooooooooooooo DRUID!

We’ll see about that. Nazjatar currently is my most hated and it’s not even close. You cannot kill ANYTHING in that zone without either being stuck in combat or mobs chasing you for an obnoxious amount of time.

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Me, in travel form: Sit on my back if you want to live.


laughs in trailblazer