No Mount Realms for Wrath

Actually I am a human Paladin.

Because everyone’s favorite zone in retail was the one you can’t mount up in…

How much are you being paid by the Druids, Hunters, and Shamans?

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Just walk faster

Eh, just report it for spam. It’s a duplicate thread with his from 3 days ago.



I am sorry that you can’t learn to walk faster.

didn’t you already post a similar stupid idea on your other alt?

oh yep there it is


It appears basic satire falls on deaf ears in this thread. I changed the wording around to all mounts because the original thread is dumb.


this is also dumb, perhaps more so than the last idea

also by you


Yeah I didn’t post that thread, but you can keep crying if you want.

LOL this post is mocking that no flying mount thread? If so, well done :clap:


you’d be using emfh in pvp more where you can’t fly anyway then lol.

arena…I often wonder why I mount up. woohoo…I get to hug a pillar 1 second faster.

  1. It’s Wrath Classic, as in Wrath as it existed during its original existence, not Wrath: The Blargiana Edition (adding ramps and flight paths.) :laughing:
  2. No.
  3. Please don’t delete your post. It’s educational.

Mountless flying. :expressionless:

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real men and women…don’t even walk full speed.

They RP walk it!

I’ve done that to spoof afk police in epics gone to hell. My dot is moving. Jsut really really really slow…really jsut killing the time to not get deserter.

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I don’t so I guess that’s the end of the thread :laughing:

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Lol that person isn’t me at all. They’re directly satirizing my post because my post offended them so much. Pretty funny all around.

Is this some kind of misguided dig at people who are glad the LFD matchmaker is going to be disabled?

This is a RE POST from the TBC Classic channel…

I still enjoy how many people HAVE NOT liked your post here as well…

Maybe it’s not a troll post, OP has a good point, Blizzard would rather we walk everywhere to ‘immerse’ ourselves in the game, and if they could they would literally limit it to walking and put a stamina bar in when we run. Which honestly would have been cool 18 years ago, but it’s too late now.

The problem with this whole argument is that Blizzard were basically first in evolving their game, ideas were primitive, no one back than had thought of a run stamina bar or anything else that has come since and since we have been used to flying for 16 years changing it would drastically alter everything from BC > SL.

So why not, let Blizzard have their experiment, let them and importantly let us see what the playing base will be like on a no mount, or at least a no fly server in the most famous expansion this and any other game has ever had.

Patrolling the WoW Forums almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

My son discovered the greatness that is new vegas.

I showed him some tricks.

Like sneak killing headshots on NCR troops. money off the loot or bank for repairs later, no rep loss…win win.

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