No more Boost spam!

Hi all,

I’m starting this thread to address the topic of Trade Chat and LFG Boost spam.

I would like to start a community movement to mass report boost spam postings in common areas such as
Chat channels, and Looking For Group listings. I know this type of behavior does not technically break ToS (when selling for gold only) but I think it negatively effects the community and the true intentions of these tools.

At this point I’m fine with people selling carries for gold, -I won’t participate in purchasing boosts, but I don’t care if others do - however, I think is it time we have a designated spot for this!

With enough upvotes, reports and community agreement my hope is that Blizzard would consider implementing an appropriate channel for customer organized services. (Perhaps a separate LFG organized services tab)

Please join me in escalating this topic to the moon!


Report for what? It’s not against policy.

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They have actually started to look at this situation apparently. Its a small move but at least its a start.

Latest hotfix:

  • Characters must now be level 60 to list Group Finder groups for Mythic+ dungeons or Shadowlands raids.

So I guess thats to stop the creation of level 1 toons that put up the adds in Premade, get reported, actioned, deleted and a new toon with the same name appears some time later and carries on.


There are powerful chat filter addons for eliminating all those chat messages. But you can’t escape it really, even if it’s out of sight people are out using token gold for BoE, you don’t even need to boost to boost.

It is a Booster’s Paradise!

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Bots, boosters, and the boosted, that’s all that’s left in this dying game.

A PS on my comment:

I just went into look at the Dungeon Premades, and there were a number of paid runs being advertised by sub level 60 characters.

Two, for example, were from Hyjal, they showed on the armory as wearing no gear and they were LEVEL 50.

So whatever was said in the hotfix posting, people are still advertising paid runs using sub-60 toons. (I did report this in the hotfix post.)

Ya gotta love how things work (or dont) in WoW…

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I think this change will make them even more money. And that’s why they did it. Commence the tinfoil.

The people advertising in LFG were already level 50s on spam accounts. Now, those spam accounts will simply buy Shadowlands and get a character to 60. They will not stop advertising.

I do not condone boosting i think booster chairs should be banned kids need to accept the fact that they are short im tired of lying to kids and boosting them up all the time it needs to stop…


LF someone to Boost me for in game gold only.

Whatcha need? :wink:

I mean… How exactly do you expect them to handle the situation then?

If these guys will buy Shadowlands and a month’s sub to get a character to 60 just to advertise their questionable sites they’ll do basically anything to advertise their RMT sites. If you outright ban boosting you still don’t solve the problem because they’ll still blatantly break the ToS to advertise their crap and then the game’s economy just dies because the damage WoD did would continue to be irreversible.

This is like trying to get people to stop using trade chat as a chat channel to talk in it’s been that way since the beginning and it’s probably never going to change no matter how much people would like it to change.
Every once in awhile I’ll see somebody in trade chat complaining about people using trade chat to talk in it always falls on deaf ears

I agree with you but apparent people make a lot of real life money boosting. When I say a lot, I mean enough to quit your job type of money, which is why they are so aggressive with it. For this reason this problem won’t just end by itself.

I mean when boosting is making more money than Blizzard is from wow what is the cost of the game and a few subs in the long run.

The price of a single glad carry can pay for several new level 60s (in gold not counting the pure RMT options) to spam.

Well, yeah; but basically nobody’s actually sinking that much money’s worth of gold from WoW tokens to do it when they could do it for waaaaaaay less through a shady RMT site. If they’re spending gold on it, 90% of the time it’s gold they probably amassed through WoD and Legion’s crazy mission table inflation.

Some people still buy gold through RMT sites (much better rates than the token) and spend that gold on carries.

Since I left I spent a while checking out RMT as its on basically every wow related video due to the youtube algorithm picking up on the pvp boost complaint videos I have watched lol.

Its surprising how accessible the content is if you RMT, if you pay enough you can even play your own character in a mythic raid team (no need to suicide so you can get logs).

I’m not saying that they want to stop it, and in fact I feel that it is the opposite! First, they made the change where only level 50s could post in the group finder. (Which unfortunately caused a lot of problems for people trying to group for old world quests) This made everyone who was advertising do it on a level 50+ character.

If you look, most of these characters advertising are level 50s on accounts with almost no achievement points. So now, they will have to be level 60 to advertise in the M+ and SL raid tab, meaning that they will have to buy Shadowlands on that account. I think it’s going to get them more money ;d

Advertising is actually against the policy.

The act of boosting isn’t. The advertising of it is.

It is not against policy in chat channels. Only in group finder. Everyone is free to advertise for gold in chat channels.