<No Mercy Mafia> Tax Collection in Progress! {PvP/WPvP} [Recruitment]

Jaxel definitely needs more toons to post off!

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Our officer core has began discussing how we will approach phase 2 and beyond with the Honor system. We aim to be organized and to the best of our ability help players within our guild and our allies maximize their honor potential. So in short… LET’S KILL SOME GD HORDE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Well the reality is for some reason I keep getting told since I’m a “new” poster that I can’t post more than 3 times in the same thread. It seems to count it by character rather than account, who knows.

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odd, either way keep it up!

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Tell Jalen to come PvP with us!

When he is on im sure he will, i’ll tell him

Awesome. The more friendS we have with the coming chaos the better.

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We could really use some locks and healers for our pvp exploits. Looking for locks and hunters for raid content. Happy to consider anyone who loves to slay horde however.

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Once I was a lost boy.

Is anyone enjoying phase 2 as much as I am? The game could just freeze here for awhile and I’d be quite content.

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Good times being had daily leading to piles of dead horde.

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We continue to look for PvPers. Especially healers! We have small but solid group of people that are always doing PvP when they are on. Come join the family!

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We are out in the world slaying nightly. We really really need some healers. Come grind honor and have fun with a really chill group.

We have had 10 to 15 man WPvP groups and also at times multiple groups of 5. Come kill some horde with us!

From the great beyond, I bumpeth

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