No love for enhance shamans

All these class changes have made enhance the middle of the pack on the charts which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The part that’s annoying is how fun they are to play in m+ and how lame they are to play in raids. I feel like i’m playing a completely different class in raids. Single target is a joke rng slot machine if you want to have competitive dps. With all the class balancing and changes I thought for sure they would have a more well rounded rotation and single target damage output. Nope and now that my guild is on mythic progression in vault and i’m spending more time in raids than doing mythic+ now. I don’t even want to play shaman anymore. It’s not fun in raids and with all the time invested into one character I don’t want to spend the same getting another character that consistently performs well in raids such as a mage. Unfortunately prolly going to end up quitting the game because blizzard can never stay on the ball with balancing/changes for specs in certain situations. Completely murdering some specs although not enhance you can still have competitive numbers. The spec is just so unfun in raids that it makes me not even want to raid or play knowing if i want to do the hardest content and achieve the best gear I will have to drag myself through it playing a stale underperforming class unless i hit the lottery of rng on that pull.