No Lore QA thread? (Jan 10th Lore and Story stream)

Now that the gilneans have helped the night elves retake darkshore do you intend to visit gilneas at all or is this going to be another faction war expansion where the worgen nation is left forgotten?

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As far as I’m concerned, the less we hear from the guy that put himself in the game to be Sylvanas’ boyfriend, the better. :slight_smile:


How hard is it to make a thread here on your official forums?

Communication can not get better when you do not use your official forums to tell your players about up coming events. It may not be a Q&A, but that doesn’t mean people wouldn’t be interested in it. If we can be informed about an awards show… we should be informed of this type of thing as well.

If I had one burning question it’d simply be.

Zandalari & Kul tirans are coming (date)

I won’t get my hopes up that it’ll be answered.


We actually got the answer for this.

“It doesn’t fit the narrative”

apparently, its very difficult. some say impossible.

Do you feel the official news page is not a source of communication? I know a number of us come straight to the forums, so would you need all blogs to be mirrored as like sticky posts to see them? or something else? Curious what the challenges are there. Cheers!


That’s not a terrible idea, honestly. I never actively go look at Blizz blog/news posts unless they are mirrored elsewhere (such as stickies or on wowhead)

That would definitely increase the number of people who see it.


I would make the argument that more WOW players go to WOWhead before they go to the official news site for news involving the game. I mean they’re already relying on it for help with virtually anything in game.

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A sticky would be nice, as I don’t ever check anywhere else except on the forums for news. GD seems to be the only hot spot, besides the CS forum, where everyone checks.

Maybe you could pass an idea to your Website Team that maybe they could implement something like has. Here’s a snip of what I’m talking about.

Y’all could keep it simple and have it show the latest 5 links to news.

Think you need one of those tickers at the top of the page sort of like business sites have with red alerts. If I am on the forums and see a thing at the top that says “Lore dev QA occurring now” or “Dev weekly click here to view” would be helpful.

Might be better to release a few spoilers before more people just give up and move on.


You know why not. Let’s try to get them to answer questions that might actually be useful.

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I guess you missed the link the OP copied at the top… An official announcement from Blizzard.

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All we’re going to get is a rehash of what we already know is coming and a “trust us, it’s not Garrosh 2.0”.

I am surprised Alex is hiding and not gonna be on the live stream. He’s one of the ones responsible for the garbage story direction for BFA. Curious if there gonna address the main issues with raising of nightelves, connection to the dream like Worgen should not be able to. Darkshore story was a disater.

Hopefully they will choose there reponse wisely. Gamers this year are turning against the companies. Not just blizz games but others to youtube has show this. Hoping Activ is monitoring this , they might need to replace at least Danuser. On a plus side no Lore this time. :grinning:


Cool. Makes most sense. :wink:


In a word? Yes.

The forums are your most-viewed source of information and the primary means of communication. When you don’t post something on the forums letting people know there’s going to be an event, it looks like you’re either trying to bury it or you’re not really interested in communicating about it.


I feel like I go to wow head, twitter, reddit, all these other places to find out up to date information about things that are happening.

I’d like to come here to find out these things and have an “official word” on matters. I know some of it is perhaps leaked info, but I feel like I already know some of the things that are officially being brought out from other sources.

A blog sticky with links or something would be… great. I didn’t even know there were blogs to be truthful.

Any smaller announcements don’t really need to be stickied, but at least mentioned in a thread. The Blizz tracker function can be easily followed if someone is looking for current discussions.

Thanks for asking!


Unfortunately, Ythisens disproved this by saying it’s by far not their most active viewed source for information. Which, to me, is surprising. It’s the first place I go to for news.


Sylvanas will get a redemption arc. All the evil things she has done will be written off to her being controlled/heavily influenced by Xal’atath. She will be a key component to defeating N’Zoth, dragging him (it?) to whatever personal hell she’s destined for, having (by then) run out of Val’kyr to take her place.

Change my mind.