No loot from AQ day 1

Our raid which began on 12/6/24 at approximately 1:00 p.m. PST (almost immediately upon phase launch) did not receive any loot from bosses or chests in Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. Bosses also did not have correct HP values and died with little to no mechanics. Our raid ID was 52102498.

We were planning a world first progression run, but due to the bug(s) we received no loot and our run was invalidated for purposes of progression. 20+ people spent weeks preparing for this event, and in the end our time was completely wasted through no fault of our own. We are beyond disappointed in Blizzard’s implementation of this content and expect to receive the loot we deserve. However, the best outcome would be to reset the raid so that we can complete it again with a working instance ID.


Yeah they’re well aware and have taken the weekend off lol


The only reason I am posting here is because the response to my support ticket instructed me to do so. I realize the forums are not an appropriate place to report a loot problem, but here we are.

Yeah same thing happened to me… no loot on first lockout after disconnect on aq launch. And im locked out of todays reset when multiple guildies had theirs reset today.

Boned on both lockouts :frowning:


We had the same things on AQ10 with bosses being jokingly weak.
We did clear the first boss of AQ20 and got some loot though. We decided to stop after that and wait and apparently they fixed it a few hours later.
I guess the first ID is burnt for those who fully cleared. We would have been better off chilling in SW and grabbing gears from the PTR vendors I guess…

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Ironically the people best prepared for the content got no loot, while opportunists with bots in Stormwind got rich from PTR vendors.

Same problem, my ID didnt reset on Saturday what can i do

They’ll fix it n let you run it again. It was a very bad release it looks like.