No longer recruiting

Hello. I’m interested. I’ll be sending a message this evening(9/1). Main is an affliction Warlock.

To the top again.

Happy reset day!

Good morning world and all who inhabit it!

Close to being full!

Cleared 3/12M last night with 16 raiders and 4 pugs.

Bumping up.

Got Shad’har down with a few pugs.

very interested, a skilled very long term dps warrior looking for a commited fun raiding guild, I havent raided seriously in a few expansions, just heroic pugs and 15-17’s keys but want to commit to a raiding guild for shadowlands.

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I wasn’t able to find your character. Can you either add me on bnet/discord or fill out our app and I’ll get in touch with you.

Bumping up!