No longer looking thanks

No longer looking thanks

Hi Lasagonia,

What kind of guild are you after? does heroic raid content 1 day a week if you’re that way inclined. Our members have previous raiding experience going back to Vanilla including Mythic raiding in past expansions.

We could use a few more raiders in our team. Let me know if this interests you, my bnet is Skathlok#6824.

Hey bud, if you are looking for serious raiding add Tink#1985 and we can have a chat. Your logs are solid, would love to see the others’.

Am looking for Mythic Prog guilds. Preferably 8/9pm Start (+8GMT)

4 Nights - Weds Thurs Sun Mon 10pm - 1am SVT, see above btag if interested.

Hi Lasagonia, ClanDropBears - Horde Khaz’goroth/Dath’Remar are currently looking for more members to round out our raid group.

Here is a link to our recruitment post [H] <ClanDropBears> LF more

I would love the chance to talk to you about you and your friends joining our guild. Please add me on Eri#1981 if you would like to know more.