No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I feel as if this was an oversight, as Kaldorei siege technology has always relied on the Glaive Thrower. In game it also depicted as such. Just like the Keldorei continue to use troops of archers, instead of gun toting marksmen.

I disagree. Cataclysm establishes that they’re just fine in using cannons, and cannons make a lot more sense aboard ships than glaive throwers. Further, both novellas contain this information.

Now apply that to the things you stated in your post regarding military tactics in the WoW universe regarding BfA occurring.


LOL. Seriously? “Your incoherence is showing” isn’t a personal attack? Now you’re just in denial.

“Your inability to show logical and consistent arguments and is showing,” is no less of a slight and I think you can see why that would be an ad hominem attack. Similarly, “Your inability to speak intelligibly is showing,” would also fall into that category.

Which other definition would you choose to use?


I cannot fathom a type of projectile technology that is more antithetical to the NE way of life than Gunpowder weapons. Gunpowder is immensely environmentally invasive, as is the manufacturing of its corresponding weaponry and ammunition. Where are they producing it? Are they buying this crap off the Alliance? Hell, on a cultural level its always made sense why the NEs never had much of a Navy too. Given how resource intensive the creation and maintenance of such a fleet would be; and because 10k years of peace and evolving on a super continent would not put that sort of developmental pressure on them. But 

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He says they are in order with their guns.
I shrug my shoulders.

Mixed up the quests.

They’ve had a naval presence since Warcraft 3, which makes sense for a power with a substantial coast. When you can grow and repair ships with wisps, that takes a lot of the bite out of the environmental cost.

Further, I get that there’s something of a Last Samurai syndrome wrapped up in this, but no one has given me a compelling argument for why Night Elves wouldn’t use cannons in certain situations. I could see the argument that they would prefer bows in a forested environment - they’re far quieter, but I can’t see the claim that they would eschew them for environmental reasons, especially when their methods of production are pretty clean, and when they very clearly do not care about how other nations manage their resources.


You mean the canons the EK ALLIANCE forces brought in with them? Which was the entire point of the questchains of the Southern Barrens and Stonetalon for the Faction. With the EK Alliance using Theramore and Northwatch as staging points to try to force upon a second front to take pressure off the NEs Eastern one. With that base being the product of that. Or are we really suggesting that the NEs decided it best to make their navy dependent on trade with the EK Alliance to arm and keep supplied?

I mean, I don’t have a problem with them buying useful technologies. I’d just like them to develop a few of their own that are done in their way.

But again, just to drive the point home on it. No, the Night Elves have not demonstrated themselves to be resistant to technological adaptation.


They have a reason for Troop transports, as most of their army is devoted to supporting their unbelievably powerful shock troops in the Sentinels. But there hasn’t been a single moment in their history that shows them having a reason to develop and maintain much of a Navy beyond that. With the exception of the last like decade, because the Horde’s navy on Kali is fairly new.

They have been using the same technologies and strategies for the past 10,000+ years. They are a people who tend to stick with what works, and everything tends to be made of wood. Honestly, the largest change in strategy the Kaldorei have had since the sundering did come in WoT; it was the embracing of arcane magic to use portals as a strategic method of moving troops.

What should I refute? Cannons? The second front in the Barrens? The ratio of night elf technology to
dwarves in the night elf army?

The reason is established in the fact of having a coastline. Accordingly, Warcraft 3’s units include Night-Elf specific frigates and battleships.


They stick to what works, but they also change strategies based on the realities on the ground - and in canon, they have, yes, adopted cannons. I’ll also point out again that Night Elves have the option of using Goblin Land mines in Warcraft 3 - and it’s even a specific item that, if memory serves, they gave Tyrande a voice line for.

Edit: Just checked. They did:

“Tyrande Whisperwind: These explosive devices look to be of goblin design. The wily creatures must have hidden them here long ago. No matter, I’ll make good use of them.”

How Tyrande imagines that goblins must have breached a barrow prison, I have no idea, but regardless, she sees the value in the mines.

The assertion that Night Elves are averse to new technologies is fanon.


Did they show a denial of new technology? Not unwillingness to develop them, but unwillingness to use them?

They used both:

    The cry pierced his thoughts, and Saurfang’s heart sank. Flashes of weapons’ fire rippled across the sea. Glaives and cannon shots soared over the water, and explosions rattled across the exposed shoreline, gouging great holes into the ranks of the Horde.

    The night elf fleet had returned.


At this point I don’t even care. WHY do they have these? They not only developed and maintained these things for 10k years, but did so with no reason before or after the sundering to do so? What enemies were they preparing for with Navies to combat? What cultural reason could they possibly have to create and maintain them, beyond the simple expectation that they just have them (because of course they should)? Navies are pretty resource intensive to not only create, but to maintain. They did so just cuz?!

EDIT: Why should I ever be surprised. Blizz should just hurry up and write all the inferior races out of this setting already. World of NECraft when?



I wonder if this is a reflection of Gilnean culture co-existing with Kaldorei culture. We did see some of that in Darkshore as well, with Gilneans disarming goblin bombs and the like.


For coastal defense. Do you figure that the Night Elves would just ignore the possibility of a threat from the sea?

This was touched upon in Elegy:

    For so long, Malfurion had lived in expectation of this news—that one day, the Horde would rouse and turn its cruel eye toward Darnassus. It had finally happened.

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Right after Orccraft and Iron Horde tech.

There’s actually a quest in Stonetalon about night elves learning to use cannons, the questgivers are also fairly snarky about it. But yeah standard artillery for all elves seems to be glaive-throwing ballistae even in wow.

I kinda hate it, too, since afair Stonetalon is one of those zones where I hate what both factions are doing to the region.