No Focus Unit = Unsubscribing 2nd Account

What you’re referencing is the thing I’ve been repeating. When 2.0.1 was released, they secured the frames so you couldn’t change targets using scripts or addons in combat. In vanilla you could.

They also added the Focus unit ID and an associated keybind and unit frame tied to the Unit ID, so that people could continue to use it for the purpose for which they’d previously been doing it.

The 2007 page you’re referencing was talking about something blocked by the 2.0.1 changes.

We’re not sorry that you don’t have anyone to play with, try finding friends instead of multi boxing mkay?


Your raid healers are glaring at you from the back of the instance right now.

I multibox and I have no idea what your gripe is. What you are upset about is not a problem and is easily overcome. Part of multiboxing is coming up with inventive ways around a problem within the abilities given to you in game and by the rules set by blizzard. Not really sure why you even bothered posting considering multiboxers are loathed by those who can’t afford it, don’t have the multitasking ability to do it , don’t know how to handle one and those who got rekt by a 5 shaman CL to the face. The only multiboxers that are annoying are the ones who go into bgs. Other than that I don’t understand the hate towards multiboxing. People just can’t handle diversity in gamplay.

The point of an mmorpg is to play with others not by yourself, bfa is a different beast, classic requires you to play with others so instead of criticizing everything and starting arguements, try making friendos

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This change affects grouped content just as much, if not moreso than solo play.
CC classes can no longer quick cc a focus target in a party or raid. Healers can no longer quick heal a focus target in a party or raid. You’ll have to switch targets manually. While it’s still doable, it hinders those classes from being able to do it fast and effectively.


Since you seem to be so insistent that you are not Blizzard to change the modern infrastructure or add the TBC feature of focus frame or secure frames, why not leave it the way it Is?

Let them glare. Can they heal without focus, albeit not as conveniently?

The way it is in Classic is not authentic to the Vanilla experience. While they are adamant in using the Retail API, they’ve chosen to modify it in a way that removes Vanilla capabilities in function (if not form).

This is not the Vanilla we want.

Are you asking that the modern infrastructure be changed? YES or NO

I’m asking them to fix the implementation that they modified for Classic. Clearly the lack of focus was a bug that needs to be addressed.

Would that involve changing the modern infrastructure? YES or NO


The modern Retail Infrastructure has the thing I want them to fix.

How do they “fix” it for Classic without changing the infrastructure?

They add the focus Unit ID back into the table of secure unit IDs, reverting the error they made when adapting it for Classic. Just like it appears in Retail.

That would be a change to the modern infrastructure, would it not?

You really need to define what you mean by “modern infrastructure” before you walk yourself into an absurdity corner.

The Retail API has been adapted for Classic. In doing so, they removed an element in the Classic ONLY version of the API that removes the focus Unit ID from the list of secure unit IDs. This was a bug and needs to be fixed.

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I’m not the one backing myself into an absurdity corner. I’m not the one refusing to admit what it truly is that I am asking, hiding behind the result I want.

The modern infrastructure is the entire “back end” upon which Classic will run, is it not?

Am I correct in believing that the retail API is part if the modern infrastructure?

As for the “removal” of the element in question, was that not an intentional design choice and not a bug?

you made me /cackle irl…

Definitely a mistake in the realms of ‘law of unintended consequences’. Its quite common in software development.