Lol so your opinions are objective truths everything else is subjective. Funny wows art is so bad, zone design is so bad, quests are so bad, yet you still are here. You claim you canceled a week or two ago. But clearly you have been upset with wow for a very long time, yet oddly you kept pahing them. And you still do. Your sub covers classic yet you dont play that either even tho that’s your supposedly greener version of wow. In reality your a sad sack of existence with an attention problem. Can’t play nice with others so you can’t enjoy the game. Seek therapy. I’d normally say buyya dog but that’s to mean to the animal
They will allow flying after doing the story and or finish in the discovery of the new zone.
Whenever I see this I think of Jackson Pollock and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Art is very much subjective unless you are talking about something designed for mass media consumption. Then yes there are some rules that can be followed to make something that is more appealing to the masses.
For the topic at hand, I am okay with a no flying zone with some fun ground mounts. What I will not be okay with is with all the new zones being no flying. There is very little harm is mixing things up. But as I said in another thread, people have lost trust in Blizzard so the fear that this will be the start of “no more flying” again is real.
Continuing the discussion from 11.0.7 Update PTR Development Notes:
Our new legendary ring, which I suspect will be needed in 11.1 and 11.2 will unlock that flight <3
I pay to use the forums man.
objective truths everything else is subjective.
Buddy. When your leveling experience feels like a completely different game than the end game then it’s bad game design.
It’s like going from Wario Ware to Call of duty.
You asked for an objective measure and I gave you one clear as day. And you just stick your fingers in your ear and ignore it. Because you have rose tinted glasses on.
Your sub covers classic yet you dont play that either even tho that’s your supposedly greener version of wow.
I’ve already played classic to death man. Does blizzard expect us to play the same game for the next 100 years?
Now you just pay to trash blizzard but not play… Yet you have this intimate knowledge of the game zones and design concepts… Which is it … Stop being a lunatic
No art can be measured. And grifters like Jackson Pollock and other modern artists really don’t even make art. They just make political statements about art.
Art (by definition, and it’s always had this definition) MUST be beautiful, true, and valuable.
Abstract art might have a truth (usually a criticism of art) and it might even be a valuable criticism. But calling a bunch of random lines beautiful is beyond a stretch.
Modern artists make things deliberately ugly. Jackson Pollock is actually an anti-artist. He makes anti-art.
You know modern art is a scam because there was a study where a 6 year old threw a bunch of paint on a canvass and tricked a bunch of modern art critics into thinking it was a real artist.
I like talking about game design.
If that makes you clutch your pearls and cry then maybe you shouldn’t be on a forum…
you like complaining about game design concepts. you like to complain about art. fixed that for you.
You again? You have literally nothing to add to ANY conversation. You hate the game, are rude to the posters, troll with your incorrect “facts” and have been unsubbed playing everything but WoW. You must really enjoy just aggravating other players who are actually playing and enjoying the game. If you enjoy talking about game design, maybe you could do it with less trolling and vitriol. This new zone is gonna be amazing and we finally get to kill Gallywix.
nah gallywix the dreadlord gonna escape
Just like Garrosh, they are ready to Kill Gallywix and put Gazlowe in charge. He’s been key so many times in the game that the Goblins need a new leader who is not just out for themselves.
My job is to shut down voices like yours.
That’s what I’m adding to the conversation.
You mean a voice of reason and positivity? Someone who actually PLAYS and is SUBBED? That voice? So, tell us about your incredible and insightful details involving 11.1 that you have no intention of playing?
This is why art is subjective because what is beautiful, what is true, and what has value is subjective. It can change based on location, culture, and standards. There is nothing wrong with challenging if something is beautiful, true or has value but to dismiss it for everyone based on your opinion does not sit right with me.
He is unsubbed and does nothing but complain about the game and trash talk it. His opinion is pure hatred and his posts are trolling spam.
Yours is a voice of unreasonable shilling. Mine is the voice of the silent majority.
Also didn’t you admit you’re a furry? I don’t remember.
No, beauty is not subjective.
Why do you think we find peacocks tails as beautiful as a female peacock does? Or we find the mating displays of obscure underwater fish as beautiful as the mates they’re trying to attract.
beauty is a universal truth.
And this is a separate argument. But I just find the subjectivists perspective to be so useless. Like it really just serves to shut down fun conversations. It’s the wet blanket of ideologies.
You point to peacocks tails but people find albino peacocks to be just as beautiful. Beauty is a universal truth but the composition of that beauty is diverse. You pointed to Dracarian as a furry but then point to animals as being a part of the universal truth of beauty.
I would think saying beauty is subjective would open up more conversation not less. So many beauty standards that you could use for the subjective/ objective view points.
oh gazlowe is the new big (little) Goblin in charge for sure. but gallywix dreadlord is so good they gotta keep around as a villian or legion tie in hopefully at some point.
not shilling for content creators, but xxaxas or whatever his name is amazing at crafting lore spec videos. like next level good lol. watch the gallywix video if u havnt cuz dreadlord gally i think is real lol