No Congratulations for World's First Kara?

They mostly had T3 on. If you look at the logs a lot of guilds are clearing all the raids with T3 today.

That… actually makes it worse then. This just means that they knew that the gear wouldn’t matter all that much and they could completely skip the gearing up phase.

True, Naxx was the big finale, and it was also not completed by a lot of guilds during the original release.

Kara on the other hand…

The literal definition of real min/max which is impressive. It’s knowing you can down Ragnaros or Nightbane under leveled and under geared/minimal gear.

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This has always been the case though. Players who are present, conscious, and able to work together don’t particularly need the gear requirements that players who don’t fit that criteria do.

Like I said earlier, I’m not belittling their accomplishments, to me personally it’s not that impressive since this content has been ran by these people (assumption here) on certain servers for years upon years.

I hope they had fun but at the end of the day, people will view it as they see fit. I still find it more impressive when people go into new content and have to learn mechanics/phases and get gear to overcome a challenge more of an accomplishment than people who know how everything works.

In the end, we all play differently and I actually hope that this just shows all those people who scream “you can’t bring because they suck!” that the game itself can be cleared with people from previous expansion gear.

I actually like this though and wouldn’t ask them to change it.

It was already practiced, prepared for and farmed for years on private servers.
It was already practiced, prepared for and farmed for weeks on classic beta servers.
They had this on farm for months and even years and when they get it on the first lockout, you look at it with a surprised face?

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: love it!!!

Technically, those with Naxx gear and bags/guild banks stuffed with the best consumables at launch started way ahead of the rest of the pack.

Not saying the world firsts weren’t competitive. Just saying not as impressive as in Classic because there wasn’t even the illusion of everyone at the same starting line. Everyone expected them to post fast times in BC classic while many were surprised at fast times in Classic.

I think you misread what I wrote. I’m surprised that Blizzard has not announced to the public that Kara was completed already like they did with every major content drop. Not only did they clear all the raids, but they managed to do so within 24 hours of the dark portal opening.

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I hear the prize of winning world first is you no longer sweat :sweat: the rest of your life

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World’s first occurred over a decade ago. Why would they be sending out a congratulations now?

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Good for them… next,


I think it was because everything was new at the time. ( new meaning classic launch) server were new, people all starting same point, speedsters can be speedsters, people that hasn’t seen the old world in years. and people enjoying others questing with them. More Catered for all and more to do for everyone.
but with bcc launch they really only focus on trying to get new players and not bring everyone back like classic launched…( I am not against the boost or carry over copies) but boost seem to upset more than bring to the game.
you are right tho …when classic launched it was amazing. a old game felt new in many ways to me and others i am sure.

wow congratz you cleared a easy 3 ““raids”” and didn’t sleep

Not sure why anyone cares.

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Is it really a world first though? I feel like all these have been cleared before… maybe it’s just me? :thinking:


Kara is like clearing UBRS mang.


you need to get some air brother. your mentality is really weird.

i’d suggest unplugging from your pc/internet/whatever else for a week or 2.

Think its because a lot of people got their “high” and nostalgia trip and realized after that well, its 2021. Oldschool WoW certainly has its perks and to those who thoroughly enjoy it more power to you, but its slowwwwwww.

TBC was my favorite expansion of all time but I won’t lie, I’m already kind of bored.