No Changes to Paladins and Boomies in Phase 6 - Unwinnable BGs still for PUG Horde

Phase 6 has had zero changes to PvP for Paladins and Boomies. So the entire phase 6 era of SOD will suck for Horde Pugs in BGs.

The game is an MMO, so I guess you have to que with a Premade, but even premades struggle vs the 5 Paladin, 5 Boomies, with 3 healers that Alliance run.

This guy was my PvP character, but I gave up on trying to rank up after seeing that pathetic excuse of 5% DR on PvP Weapons from Players. Really, 5%? That is 5% of 5k, 250 damage. That is not going stop anyone from being able to global you in BGs or World PvP.

At least Elemental Shamans will be back in this BG phase with that 2 and 4 pc bonus from AQ that allows them to actually cast when being hit and deal 60% more crit damage. But will that be enough to balance out the OP of paladins and boomies?


Moonkins got triple nerfed in pvp yesterday, paladins are still dumb as hell though, they should do 80% less damage while bubbled.

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Maybe try gearing yourself a little more than the Scarlet Kris that is your MH weapon before crying about PVP imbalances…This guy is in all sub-60 blue gear crying over getting rekt in PVP. What a shocker.

I have not seen any posts on Wowhead or here that indicates the triple nerf to moonkins or nerfs to paladins. Can you link the evidence?

This guy is only rank 9. I was going to rank 11 last week, but not being able to win a single game for 2 days straight of 5 hours playing, I gave up. It was impossible to get more power playing PvP and that means I would have to raid and this guy is not a raiding character. I wanted to rank up in PvP and struggle doing it, but getting 1-2 marks per lost, because Horde PUGs cannot win vs Premades or even basic alliance is the problem.

Paladins can hold AB bases solo with bubble so you can rotate to help them, Boomies just take over BS and push farm with their short 1.5 min CDs and massive survival.

Nothing has changed. This character cannot be the entire reason why it cannot get 1 win in 20 games.

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They nerfed dreamstate so the bonus arcane/nature damage doesn’t apply to players, so it nerfs all damage.

Survival Instincts and Frenzied Regen both can’t be used in Moonkin Form anymore.

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So what happened to Paladins?

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Oh wow, those are solid nerfs for sure then

this true?

if so, sorry but yay.

if not :frowning:

Bro people geared correctly with consumes in BGs have 12-15kHP atm… When people have all the bloodmoon/r14 weps gear they will have 18kHP in BGs and no one is critting for 5k… And if they do they have the 30% damage buff and got a really high roll.

The game will be slower than TBC in a few weeks. That was your PVP character that has 0 pvp gear? no wonder why you cried and lost.

No one will have 12-15k hp in classic unless they are tanks. Most are 7k in BGs.

This guy was ranking up, but the game currently is not playable by Horde as the AB game mode is designed to benefit Alliance above Horde. When you can bubble for 12 seconds and hold a flag for 20 seconds. That is why alliance take 5 paladins, it covers all the flags.

They need to increase cap speed or increase death timer to 45 seconds so you can actually cap the flag as a horde/alliance.

This is not a gear issue I am complaining. I am not saying this guy needs to be OP with the gear I have. What I am saying is the current game mode is built around any alliance scrub team can beat Horde, because AB is not designed to allow Paladins to exist as they are. Druids are now being nerfed. It is time for Paladins.

Dude… u sure ur not playing against premades? I’m ranking an alt up rn and I’ve lost maybe 90% of the games against the horde bc I’ve been playing against premade horde groups. Also you will get clapped with that gear no matter what. Go do some raiding and get some items.

Shamans have wreaked havoc this entire year in PvP I think you’ll be ok, or reroll.


That is the issue, because something happened, all the players want from alliance is to have the entire game benefit them now. Its end game and everyone should be enjoying it as this is it. No more beyond this. No more levels, no more spells, no new talents.

Instead of trying to give alliance their fair share when it matters to rank faster now that you need 500k for 1 rank instead of 500k for all ranks for that phase.

Its a seasonal server and damn someone if they want to get gear in a temporary game mode?

I personally want to return the game to premade vs premade; Pug vs Pug.

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They may nerf paladins still… it does suck because that loser dev is a pally freak and they may not … when I played horde in classic, id sap paladin on flag and start capping, make him blow his trinket or bubble , then blind vanish and if people are coming , you’ve still done ur job. You can’t win solo unfortunately no matter how sneaky.

I 100% agree with the pug vs pug thing. Then you also get the 5 mans but now that everyone is farming for rank 14 you’ll get super geared people.

I’m facing that now as well because I have basically some raid gear t1/t2. I still hit pretty hard but people who are full bis in pvp gear will still clap me.

Huh? Where do you get this number from? I have 10k + in AB without a flask, and thats just in Marshall/Commander gear without proper enchants, etc

hehe with wbs one of my hunter buddies had over 21k :smiley: was a funny screenshot.

Have you played any games since p6? I have a 0% winrate in pugs so far. I wont even bother pugging anymore this phase

played quite a few , my suggestion is to premade on alliance.

ive ran into like 20 or so in the past two days and they stomp.

might be different with the changes to moonkin though.

Farmed about 110k honor yesterday fairly quickly

Lost I would say 70% of the games as a solo que, mostly faced premades or only had 9-11 alliance to start the match. Lots of games were 1200 + to 2000

Ya of course premade is the only way. But i like to hop on for a few games just because unlike 70% of ranking ally, I like pvping. So that not being an option REALLY sucks

ya its kinda all wonky atm.

its either a complete stomp of a game on either side or just 1 team holding 2 bases the entire time.