No Bloodthirsty Honor Vendor in Stormwind

The vendors are now in-game.

Good job mate. Now can you increase the honor gains? A win in TB is 60 honor seems wrong. The weekly quest for TB win is also only 250 honor. WG is now 500 honor, makes no sense.

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FYI the Cata +40 Resil Chest enchant does nothing. Same Resil as before enchanting my chest. Thought I’d splurge since we got the PvP vendors and put a nice enchant on there.

what about the pvp weapons and shoulder/helmet enchant for honor


set bonuses broken again :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :rofl:

i love how set bonuses went from broken on beta and working on live to working on beta and broken on live

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Don’t worry they’ll put it in after they get the old replica gear in

There was no Honor weapon in season 9, only the Conquest ones.

They aren’t doing the replica gear. You can mog the GM/Warlord gear outright now according to a post they made.

So just another 4 months

Vender is missing again :frowning:


Dragon get em.

But yeah, I feel for the fresher 85s who hit this wall. I had shots of semi no life play to be 85 by Saturday to work up pvp gear over a long weekend.

I just lack trinkets at this point. 2 ring buys
Before do has lots of room to get 4000 if this takes a bit to fix.

Empathy is there for people hitting their 2nd 4000 wall after the assumed wrath banked 4000 got a say chest and say something else at 1250 point.