No Arfus club

With how bad queue times are for DPS it’s hard to get a lot of tries daily. Still don’t have Arfus and I won’t be able to play much next week :frowning:
I did get the drake saddle at least.
Really wish Arfus had been another currency pet since that’s easy to farm. I think the HH changes are cool but it’s kinda hard to keep curse stacks with certain classes and my slower pc. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Hopefully it drops before next week!


How about a pumpkin Transmog set?

I also have been running HH with all available characters over 60 every day with NO ARFUS…then I had this horrible sinking feeling that just what if they put Arfus on November’s trading post since they already milked our metrics :frowning: Or in the shop as a tender bundle?

I do not like being a member of this club even though I like you all except whoever said “they got Arfus the first day, didn’t everyone?” :frowning:


Man and you cannot even cheat the system either. I tried lol with a trial warrior toon, they start at level 60. But nooooooooooo. I only get a loot stuffed pumpkin and not a loot filled pumpkin if I do thatttttt.

I guess it would be cheating if I just ran an instance on a trial warrior toon and kept deleting and repeating the whole day I guess.

Another 14 attempts today to bring the total up to 90 so far. I couldn’t agree more with the top comment on wowhead for Arfus.


Been running on 11 or so toons a day with the hardmode and at this point I’m beginning to think I’d get better loot without it or something since the only things I’ve gotten are the plate helm on my mage and the swords on my paladin multiple times

Keep hoping to see the saddle but just

The bonus chance on the first run having nothing on it feels so bad, because its like yeah, I know I’m not getting anything today but I’m going to run it another 10 times anyway lol
might have to see about hiring a tank for shorter queues though

i used to really enjoy halloween on most games/sites but wow really just makes me dislike it at this point lol


i still dont have the pet either

on …where die-hard pet collectors update their collections…Arfus isn’t even registering at .01 % collected yet. So so so low…and so so so sad.


What?? You mean its worse then the horse?

well…I have the horse but not the pet so…? lol. no idea. holiday disdain is growing though rather than “yay it is a holiday!”


the top poster on wowhead nailed the feeling for these drops.


Dear Diary,
Day 7, no Arfus drop. I’m beginning to wonder if it even exists or it’s a figment of my imagination.


So down to my last three and no pup yet.

My question is, does Blizz have a surplus of squashlings and brooms?

Report back after the last 3. Wish me luck.


Good luck :dog:


Another day another nothing but Candy, Masks, and Squashling, Sword and two helmets. No Arfus.

Some with Curses and some without. Doesn’t make a bit of difference.
The curses is a joke to be honest. And WoWheads top reply has nailed every that needs to be said.

If I want another shot I will have to level yet another Character to 60. But at this point its starting to feel frustrating.

This is all just to milk the player base with time played metrics this never was about fun.


I keep getting the helm on my lock instead of this DK or my warrior. :rofl:


Last 3 were sword, squashling, nada.



That stinks.

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There is always tomorrow. :rofl::rofl:

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7 days left to this holiday. Wish us both luck. :+1: