No 111 crafted Ranged Weapon? A bug?

This seems like it must be a bug. I simply can not believe this was a design decision.

That’s quite a gamble, if you’re serious.

If it’s actually a design decision, your stance means your input will be ignored, because QA will not pass on criticism of an intentional design choice as a bug.

Hedge your bets. Open a suggestion thread for the matter in General DIscussion (where feature requests are accepted), or use the in-game suggestion menu.

It likely isn’t either a bug or a design decision, but an oversight. There isn’t really a forum for those. You can throw in the absence of a 340 Sinister weapon for DHs also. There’s a lot to remember and sometimes they forget.

Unfortunately a missing crafted weapon is a lot more than something the bug guy can fix one weekend, because it requires new 3D art assets and animations, and that stuff has to be worked on months in advance.