Niuzao The Black Ox, Clash, and Peace

Should Niuzao The Black Ox Have Clash?

Niuzao is one of the August Celestials, He can speak and stuff. This probably means he should be able to invoke a clash so to speak.

I haven’t used clash yet but I’m about to. From the description it feels a bit forced. I’d recommend a gust of wind that pushes the opponent(or the both of you) meeting you half way. Maybe Clash of Winds as a Glyph. The stun that comes with it can be a little whirlwinds or a wind looking aoe.

Would be cool if there was a talent that modified ring of peace or replaced it, like clash now creates walls of wind behind the players clashing. Which would react like ring of peace does.

Just saying.

EDIT: would be especially cool if Niuzao was at least involved in the clash, this would mean there would potentially be three walls of wind… Anyways, someone say something positive pls, or just anything. When I come back here I want someone to reply to, preferably blue text.

Yes there should be a talent that modifies Ring of Peace to create it’s original better version

I had to look it up, but it’s vaguely coming back to me. Not sure how, I didn’t play monk during this time.

Just silenced and disarmed targets, would be great for m+ and pvp.

Yeah it’s a bit OP for pvp especially if there’s multiple monks. Even with a ridiculous high CD.

The duration only was three seconds long, and to trigger it you actually had to be in the field and actively using some form of ability.

It wasn’t very op the only reason it was changed and removed was because it didn’t have a place in raids

Hmm fair enough, I guess it’ll pan out if it came back. I really like the annoying knockback it has now though. It’d be a tough choice.

Be a great choice mode, we kind of lack choice nodes compared to a lot of the other classes

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Clash is broken, doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do a majority of the time. Which sucks, it’s my favorite ability in the whole game when it does work.

Yeah, I noticed clash doesn’t work sometimes like if there’s a wall/corner to bypass. Not sure why the range has to be beyond 8 yards either.

i like ring of peace as it is now because it’s useful for a lot more for positioning than it is for silence/disarm. pushing enemies out of sanguine or dropped buff zones, bumping adds away from a boss like the first boss of SMBG or the granyth saboteur, dropping on folks to protect from spiteful adds, keeping fixating adds off a healer, etc etc. the ability to move enemies without moving yourself is really rare and I’d rather keep that unique tool then get old RoP back.

clash used to stun the primary target in addition to the rooting. that alone made it worth using even when it was bugged as all hell. would like to see that come back.

Me too tbh, but different variations would be fun.

Things old rop could do too.

And a choice node for both would be all that’s needed