Nightmare Incursions

I love when people roll on pvp servers then rage when world pvp occurs and its not in their favor… do you really expect it to be fair? EVER? 20years and people still learning this?

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Bots in the uldaman dungeon and incursion accounts is restricted .Does it work?

I’m reaching out to discuss an issue that many of us have experienced, particularly those playing on Asian servers. The use of bots has been a persistent problem, leading to permanent bans for violating game policies. However, it seems that some players are finding ways to bypass these restrictions by creating new accounts, which is causing concern among the community.

For those who previously had their WoW1 accounts permanently banned for using bots, it appears that they can simply create a new WoW2 account without waiting for the usual month-long restriction period. Surprisingly, these players are still able to use essential features like the Action House, trade, and mail almost immediately. Even accounts that were previously banned on Asian servers but never used on US servers can enjoy the same privileges from day one on a US server.

This loophole raises concerns about the effectiveness of our current system in preventing abuse. It also highlights the need for stronger measures to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the game. As you might already know, the ability to perform actions like entering the Action House, trading, and mailing items is crucial for player experience and economy. If bots can easily bypass restrictions and continue to exploit these features, it undermines the enjoyment and balance for everyone else.

It’s important to remember that while WoW1 accounts get banned, these players can simply create WoW2, WoW3, or even WoW8 accounts to continue their activities. This pattern shows that our current restrictions may not be enough to deter bad actors from continuing to spoil the game for others.

i hope that by bringing light to this issue.

I’m just posting to say BOOP! ^.^

In Incursions, you run around in a giant zerg, hitting quest nodes and skipping mobs. But thanks to the bizarre quest system, even this is strangely convoluted. It’s painfully under-baked yet paradoxically unapproachable.

Because the rewards for Incursions trivialize other content, adding Incursions was worse than adding nothing. I am really enjoying Season of Discovery in general, but I don’t see what we were going for here at all.


Incursion stonk… market going really inflated


friends power, that’s a solid move… swooosshh…~

can we get separated factions on incursions, the camping by high lvls along with factions being un balanced, its not even worth doing anymore. constantly being camped by lvl 50 rogues or just 50s in general. they only attack the low lvls, they dont dare to pvp their own level.

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Coming late to this topic, but I wanted to drop a note directly to the developers, not the players. Hopefully, they will see this. If not, no big deal. I at least wanted to make a note here because I stopped playing SoD about two days into phase 3 and instead went to play Cataclysm.

As an altoholic, I had at least one of every class to 40, as well as a spare hunter for farming. The Rune system was inspired and reminded me of the great class fantasy of Legion, which I thoroughly enjoyed. For some reason, I erroneously thought I would have enough time to get all my characters their Runes and stack up quests to turn in on each of them when phase 3 hit. That turned out to be a poor assumption, given how phase 3 was rushed to the live servers, perhaps to mitigate players losing interest. So that already left me with a bit of an ill feeling playing SoD.

After turning in all the quests I had saved up on my main, which got me almost to 42, I decided to check out these Incursions that everyone was hyping up as the Best. New. Thing. Ever. To my disappointment, it felt like the developers had merely grafted a green-hued version of the Small Nightmare events from Uldum and other zones that were in BFA. I never enjoyed those, with their endless chain spawns and “this is what you HAVE to do in order to progress” vibe, true or not. Further, the fact that Incursions so broken in the first 12 hours put a pit in my stomach. What had Blizz done to my beloved SoD?

Over the next few days, and, as I later found out, almost no one was doing dungeons from 30 to 50. This left many folks struggling to get those book power drops from places like Scarlet Monastery. The LFG channel was almost entirely “LFG NKL” which means “let’s do the hand-in quests forever for easy gold and XP.” It’s like people lost the plot of what it meant to play Classic, that it was about the adventure, that it was supposed to be a bit of a challenge here and there.

As usual, most people take the path of least resistance, which means fast, lucrative leveling to end game by any means possible. Because of this, I ended up deleting all my nine level 40+ characters, giving all my gold to our raid leader and noping out. It was such a disappointment after I had been having so much fun in SoD.

So, again, this is not for other players. This is for the developers, if they ever see it. This is hoping they learned from their mistake and do not do this again in some future iteration of Classic+.


Completely agree! On a pvp server that is heavily off balance it is a waste of time if you’re not in a group AND have many groups of your faction on the layer you’re on. Even then people only seem to be there to grief the other faction. Nice idea but HORRIBLE implementation.

I gotta say incursions are true to their name, they really are a nightmare.


When are these changing from repeatable to daily quests?