Nightfall's proc rate is much lower than expected

Many people have reported the proc rate of Nightfall and other weapons such as BRE to be lower in classic than during vanilla. Blizzard themselves have acknowledged the proc rate of Nightfall should be 2 procs per minute (ppm) or roughly 11.6% proc chance per hit, based on their reference client.

I recently spent an entire Molten Core raid only using Nightfall and a hunters melee abilities.
Of my 1307 successful melee hits I only got 93 Spell Vulnerability (Nightfall) procs. Or roughly 7.11% proc chance per hit.
(Data available at warcraftlogs, Bad Beef - US Yojamba, MC 16/7)

In a raid environment there are many variables at play so I decided to do some further testing on the level 60 ogre spirit NPCs at the end of Dire Maul North.
Of my 2339 successful melee hits I only got 167 Spell Vulnerability (Nightfall) procs. Or roughly 7.14% proc chance per hit.
(Data publically available in my personal logs but unfortunately I can’t post a link on these forums)

I am not sure why but all I can say is based on my experience Nightfalls proc rate is way lower in practice than what is reported by Blizzard.

I did a few more tests. 1000 hits of just wingclip - around 10% proc chance - working as intended. 1000 hits of just white melee attacks - around 13% proc chance - working as intended. 1231 hits of both wingclip and melee at the same time - 6.7% proc chance - NOT working as intended.

For some reason when I use both wingclip and a melee swing I get a very low proc chance of around 7%. This has been the case for over 4000 logged hits and is replicated every time I try it. I originally checked this after people found the proc chance of coldrage daggers to go DOWN when using hamstring or wingclip as opposed to just white damage.

For some reason using a combination of yellow attacks and white attacks together is not proccing weapons as much as it should. This is a replicatable bug and inconsistent with vanilla.

If anyone wants to check my data they can find my personal warcraftlogs under user 1218493 - Jad2020

Wasn’t it that they used the TBC proc rate from this item? Is that still not fixed?

Gotta love the re-engineered legion/bfa client.

The proc rate for Nightfall was never reported to have changed in any patch notes and the proc rate for TBC Nightfall should match Vanilla Nightfall. In patch 2.4.2 Blizzard added a mechanic which caused Nightfall procs to ‘fizzle’ or have a chance to fail on targets over level 60. My tests were done on level 60 targets so the procs should not be fizzling.

They already confirmed it’s working in another post


some one was talking about this a while back and blizzard made some kinda post regarding it, not sure what the real story actually is.

I included that post in my post to contrast their 5 minute target dummy findings against my findings in the live game. There is a discrepancy which I can only assume is a bug.

I too remember the “working as intended” blue post, but don’t have it bookmarked to reference.

EDIT (sucks that you cannot quote closed posts. but):

That post is linked to in my original comment. You can see Blizzards results do not match my results. That is why I think there is a bug.

They tested it with their reference client data, you can not and will not change their minds. There is literally no point of posting it whether you think it’s a bug or not because it matches their data.

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I did a few more tests. 1000 hits of just wingclip - around 10% proc chance - working as intended. 1000 hits of just white melee attacks - around 13% proc chance - working as intended. 1231 hits of both wingclip and melee at the same time - 6.7% proc chance - NOT working as intended.

For some reason when I use both wingclip and a melee swing I get a very low proc chance around 7%. This has been the case for over 4000 logs hits and is replicated every time I try it. I originally checked this after people found the proc chance of coldrage daggers to go DOWN when using hamstring or wingclip as opposed to just white damage.

For some reason using a combination of yellow attacks and white attacks together is not proccing weapons as much as it should. This is a replicatable bug and inconsistent with vanilla.