Nightborne and Blood Elves

I do not think that the Nightborne Clergy need any specific religious bent to them. You could give them a pantheism based outlook angled on finding divinity in all things after staring out into the stars for so long. The Light responds to conviction moreso that what you believe.

I more fascinating offshoot comparison to me is the Shen’dralar and the Shal’dorei. Eldre’Thalas and Suramar started out in similar positions but where they ended up dramatically diverged, and resulted in wildly different cultures.

I do not think the Shal’dorei could of ever actually integrated to any degree with Kaldorei society because they lacked something the Shen’dralar had gained the hard way—Humility. Despite everything the people of Suramar are still basically the haughty highborne of old, preserved in amber for 10,000 years.

I would rather them not worship the Light. It doesn’t seem to fit them. Also I don’t want them having yet another similarity to Blood Elves.

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They are essentially Highborne who went down one of different roads. So we have five, the Shen’drelar of Eldre’ Thelas or Dire Maul, the Quel’dorei who for the most part became Sin’dorei, High/Blood/Void Elves, the Shal’dorei Nightbourne, the monstrous Fal’Dorei or Spider Elves and the only “non-dorei” group, Queen Azhara’s Naga.

Didn’t one group essentially resist to the bitter end and the other bowed before a sword was drawn? “They are addicted to a magic well, so they are the same.” Oh, but the Nightbore were surviving the Shattering… that was 10, 000 years ago. More happened in the last 30. The bums lost.

The Nightborne finally had an uprising and overthrew their leadership. Kael’thas went full Beetlejuice and was laughing on the way. One wished for a better leader, the other just watched Kael run off and steal a car. He wasn’t leading anything.

What makes Nightborne Hedonistic and Blood Elves disciplined?

There are hedonists and disciplined characters in both cultures. They’re both ultra-civilised so that means both have a high level of decadence.

Without the threat of war or invaders, one could argue the Nightborne’s relative security for over 10,000 years freed them up for more hedonistic or secular pursuits. That’s not to say that the Blood Elves aren’t also a hedonistic people, but they’ve had more than a few threats on their doorstep that curtailed those indulgences.

The Nightborne’s uninterrupted safety also allowed them to become masters of the arcane and the study of magic, whereas the Blood Elves became jack of all trades hunters, mages, paladins, to adapt to their changing world and various threats.

There’s at least one Silvermoon City quest whose reward is a perpetual party invitation.