Night Fae Covenant: Begin Your Wild Hunt

So excited :blue_heart:

If they dont let me play as a centaur allied race like the pic I’m not buying


Speak for yourself.

I’m severely tempted to pick Night fae purely to soulbind with cute monster girls.

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I’m so excited for the farm!!

I feel the same way with my Nelf DK.

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Did they take the ‘channeling’ out of Fae Transfusion? If the channeling is still present then it is practically useless for Enhancement Shaman.

Holding still for melee DPS is a bad idea, we cannot move if we use a channeling ability like that. We also miss out on Windfury Weapon procs if we are standing there like a stump in the ground channeling this ability as well, thus screwing out potential DPS down.

I don’t see the word ‘channel’ on it, so I don’t know if they either changed it or they’re leaving out that word.

If they took out the word and don’t mention it to potential Enhancement players, that’s going to be totally bogus.

Can you make the mage ability for them not so awful to use?

6 second melee ranged channel on a 45 second CD? Come on Blizzard

 Increase the CD and the potency of it and it’ll be fine. I’d prefer something else but I’d at least not have to channel so much that way.

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You’re hunting me? No, I hunt you. That’s my job.

But yes, I will be joining the Night Fae covenant.

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You’ll also work alongside the dragon Ysera, who has a plan to restore Ardenweald—as well as save Tyrande Whisperwind from the grim fate that befalls all who take up the Night Warrior’s mantle.

Does this imply that certain portions of Tyrande’s character arc will be exclusively restricted to players who choose the Night Fae campaign?

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Can you make their ability for paladin’s four inquire blessings that last 1 hour please.

I am so excited about this covenant! I feel like it’s back story and purpose fit nicely in with the aesthetic of the druid. I can’t wait to check out all the new soulshapes!


I can’t wait, although I would enjoy leather pants but it’s fine

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I have a feeling this covenant will be the less popular lol

I’m picking it for just that reason.

seems us hunter’s going this route eh

Tottttttally agree.

I’m just going Night Fae for Bwonsamdi lol

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Sounds like it, which makes some sense. Makes your choices matter. Hopefully other Covenants will get exclusive stories. Which, you know, if you don’t care about the story and just care about the Covenant powerz, then that’s cool, but for those like me who enjoy choices that matter to the game story, I think things like this are awesome. :slight_smile:

No one asked for this.

I love the cloth, leather & mail. The plate is hella boring and plain.

Yeah I wish they did more with the plate, but the leather just looks unfinished to me. The mail has these cool horns, and the cloth has some cool elements on it. The leather looks very unremarkable compared to those two.