Night elves: Warden transmog and mount is coming!

…they are going to fix the clipping ears, right? They can’t seriously keep that in.

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Thanks! I’ll try to get a refund.

Can we get all of these or do we have to pick?
The Nelf gear is really impressive ngl. The blades are nice.


I still think they could do a visual retheme of Demon Hunter and make a really cool Warden class skin option.

I’m hoping the area around the ears is some sort of opening, instead of the old fashioned clipping lmao

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Probably have to buy each one separately.


Where do I find the armor pieces at for that please. And what are they and what class please.

That’s the Warden armor for NPCs, the ones we’re getting are a little less epic.

Hopefully we will get their iconic Moonblade as well which considering this( Warden Moonblade ) was added in 10.0 hope is high that they’re at least working on it.