Night elves new home

It’s beautiful and perfect, save for one little thing. Its location.

Move it. To Kalimdor. Near Darkshore.

Have the Shendralar work with Kadhgar, he has experience moving entire cities around the world with magic.

Thank you, Blizz!


It needs a portal from Stormwind and its own Night Elven hearth

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I can’t fault them for the quality of the place. It looks great. There’s some lovely attention to detail in some of the names, and i love that they created a specific place for all the spooky elves.

But its all undermined by the fact its in the god damn dragon isles. According to the lore the night elves took back darkshore, much of ashenvale, even hyjal. So why in the hell would they make their home in the dragons’ lands? Why would Tyrande, so protective of that seed and the souls within it banish them to the other side of the world, never to be able to return to their homeland?


They sort of fixed this on the PTR. Not all Nelves are moving there. Some are, some are just visiting. They’ve given visitors certain tags.

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Their home is so pretty, it makes me want to bring a few torches, maybe start a bonfire or two, bring some marshmellows.


Nope! You will never undo the Horde victory on Kalimdor. Sylvanas is laughing at you from the Maw.

When they give all the land back to the trolls I may start to care where they put the tree. Silvermoon has been destroyed since before it existed, and night elves have had two capital cities. But yeah keep complaining

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Not sure if it will happen but the good news is Night Elves are still in Kalimdor and it’s a pretty good news, just need to add some Ashenvale visitor to make the thing perfect.





I hope they will update Darkshore (BfA) one day. Here are some ideas:


It has one there and one back.


Yeah for real. Just telling us the night elves are still there doesnt mean much if we dont see it. Id like them to also update astranaar so it is at least not on fire. Let us at least pretend people live there.


Might have done it like this because Telsdrassil is still there via Zidormi. This way you don’t have two separate cities overlapping.

I assume by ‘according to the lore’ you are referring to the stories in the books. I don’t read the books. The game is the ‘reality’ and it shows Ashenvale overrun by the horde, Darkshore trashed, dead sentinels, and the smoking husk of Teldrassil. The only way I found to get to Kalimdor from Eastern Kingdoms as Alliance is the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet. I gain the distinct impression that there are no plans to change this ‘reality’ into the pipe dream that is in the books, so it makes sense that they’d put the new tree in the dragon isles.

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is this just on the ptr?

Amidrassil should have been on the blood mist or azure mist island and revamped the 2 zones to make a 2x1 for the NE and Draenei.

It would also have made more sense to simply use Nordrassil on Mount Hijal for their new capital.

Or that the Shen’dralar had proposed to retake and cleanse Eldre’Thalas and ask for Alliance support for it if necessary.

Amidrassil is just a lame excuse to solve the NE’s complaints about burning Teldrassil while using the new zone.

The fact they have to drop <[Kalimdor] Visitors> to explicitly state that the night elves didn’t abandon Kalimdor, when no lore sources ever suggested they did, because the forum posters and youtubers (two sides usually violently opposed coming together to whine) cried themselves into a fury is the perfect capstone of this entire dumb night elf plot line.

I really do hope they put this whole thing in a box and leave it there for a while.


Yes, yes, you night elves have managed to avoid having actual character growth yet again, now stop making threads about it.

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And that would be a mistake as the books ARE created and written with Blizzard’s writers and the games in mind.

Warcraft isn’t handled like the pre-Disney Star Wars EU. Those books tended to contradict later canon all the time and there was actually a hierarchy that was strictly followed due to how common of an issue that sort of thing became with the Prequel Trilogy and related materials.

Things that happen within the Warcraft novels DO get referenced from time to time. Maybe not with the frequency we would like, but the events of the novels do have an effect on events and lore within the game. It’s pretty well documented that Blizzard has major issues of putting lots of key story beats into the novels rather than the game, but that’s a debate for another time.

The problems arise with what is known as “Gameplay and Story Segregation.”

The problem is the fact that for the game to accurately reflect the current canon world state, multiple zones would need to be extensively reworked. Can it be done? Sure. However, it’s the kind of job that would require a massive world revamp, and that in turn would cut into development that can be used for other expansion related projects such as new zones elsewhere.

The other issue is the fact that revamping these zones means that much of the current state of the zone needs to be wiped clean. This in turn can potentially affect quest chains throughout the entire world, and I think we all know how this playerbase tends to get when something is removed even with large amounts of advanced warning.

Alternatively, phasing COULD be used to keep various world states and quest chains intact now, but that in itself potentially leads to a jumbled mess of things, and it sure as hell isn’t helping newer players, especially when some of those alternate phased versions of zones are either triggered by an in game event (such as starting BfA’s campaign) or hitting a certain level threshold. And, as others have already pointed out, I would imagine trying to have both Amirdrassil AND Teldrassil (as well as TWO capital cities once Bel’ameth is fully built) in the same general world space would be a logistical nightmare even with phasing.

In short: it’s completely ignorant to simply ignore the books just because you yourself don’t read them. The “reality” of the game does NOT reflect how things currently are in actual lore.

…or do you believe that Garrosh is still alive in the world and parts of Azeroth are still on fire 12 in game years later simply because that is what the game world reflects?

I got news for you: Teldrassil also isn’t still smoking 7+ in game years later :clown_face:


Now give Night Elves their own Hearthstone.

Theu deserve at least that after the last burning.

Wow, a wall of text because I don’t read the books. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion about what the books represent. I just don’t subscribe to the retcon. I did enjoy the bit about “it’s completely ignorant to ignore”. Thank you for that chuckle.

Everyone already gets their own hearthstone actually.