Night elves did NOT get their revenge. This is unacceptable!

When you systematically undo every quest they perform and end with sieging Splinter Tree Post.

Dude I respect your patience even tough I don’t know why are you even trying, there’s no win with those night elf crybabies, for them Night elves never have wins, have only losses and their pain somehow triumphs over everyone else.

Well that’s not entirely true. Perhaps Anduin can feel it in his bones that he needs to go what’s left of Teldrassil and once there his tears will make it grow back to live even greater than before now that it has been imbued with The Light!


You act like any race has lost even close to as much as the night elves to the horde. Are you going to cry about a king that attacked us first and happened after Teldrassil ?


draeneis lost 2 planets.

Orcs lost a planet, two wars, and mag’har lost their planet.

Goblins and worgens start the game losing everything.

The blood elves lost Silvermoon and had to restart from 0

Humans lost Lordaeron, Stomrgarde and Gilneas to the Walking Forsaken.

Cry me a river!

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Damn and the night elves did all of that? Then they obviously deserved it! I take everything back


Orcs lost their entire planet because the Draenei crash landed and refused to prepare the races for what they knew was coming. Then, the two times Kil’jaeden showed up, the orcs had absolutely nothing to do with his defeat.

Point in question. Stop trying to make this into a pity olimpic.

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I know the quests are there and I know we won but what I’m saying is that even tho we won yu can still see horde setting Ashenvale on fire. You see siege engines surroundings your cities and you still get half Ashenvale deforested.


Awww. I’m famous now? Man, I used to be a nobody around here.

As for this conversation, I agree with both Nightlighter and Treng. Narratively, the Night Elves won a lot in Cataclysm. But Blizzard also puts no Night Elf victories representatively in-game, but does show Night Elf losses. Though this still doesn’t change the story that the Night Elves won.

I do not consider myself uninformed.

Alliance side of the Darkshore Warfront introductory questing Belmont is captured, and then in the Horde Warfront proper Belmont is freed. Belmont doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront proper at all. Nor does he show up on Darkshore when the Alliance is holding it for world quests. This implies to me that the Horde version of the Darkshore Warfront happens directly after the introductory questing - this would also explain how the Alliance had held Bashal’Aran in the introductory questing, but when the Alliance does the Darkshore Warfront proper the Horde is holding it. And that any cycling of the Darkshore Warfront is just for gameplay purposes. Additionally:

Of course, one can assume instead that Belmont is just getting himself captured over and over again off-screen and the Night Elves are able to cleanse Ivus of the blight over and over again as many times as the Horde plagues him with it. But over all that just looks like gameplay to me.


For the express purpose of putting the Desolate Council in a place where she could murder them all with no witnesses from the Undercity.

They were an implied threat to her rule. She eliminated that threat under the self-justification that she’s the only one that can give her people a future.

This is her first demonstration of her ability to play Anduin like a lute.


Speaking of, Sentinel Hill is still on fire.


I m not talking about the Desolate Council but about her moronic atitude of killing her own people because of something she s supposed to have predicted before accepting Anduin s idea.

It was all just for her to look villanous

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Then you’re going to have to be a bit more specific. If you’re talking about her use of Blight in the Batlle of Lordaeron, that was a strategic move to buy time for evacuating the bulk of the population. She is a ruthless pragmatic after all.

It’s hard to be more specific than that.

I’ve already told you why she agreed to the event… it was the perfect opportunity to flush out the Desolate Council and eliminate them as threat to her stable rule.

You fail at Machiavelli 101

She killed not only them but a lot of inocent civilians even the ones who where coming back when she called them. You read the book didn’t you? That’s what I’m talking about.

You fail at text reading 101

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Absolutely… and she says exactly why. She wanted no tales told of family reunions, anything that would encourage other Forsaken to demand their own opportunities. that would lead to instability and a weakening of their Anti-Alliance resolve.

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And that’s less evil because? The whole point I’m getting at here is that even her own people should be outraged and not worshipping her like a goddess when she’s treating them like crap


We have a President who boasts that he could murder someone on 5th Avenue and his supporters would cheer him on.

He’s right… they would.

Life is more complicated than Black and White Hats.