Night elves did NOT get their revenge. This is unacceptable!

Honestly people need to remember this is a two faction game, and you cant just trash one faction.

The horde have pretty much lost everything since WoT, so like u gotta get over it already and remember other people play this game too, not just night elf fans.

If you think the alliance story is bad oh boy, you haven’t played horde at all, get the orc expansion cut short, left outta legion and villan batted again in bfa.

U wanna talk faction bias from a story standpoint, go ahead…


Oohhh boy. They would be surprised. Like I always say, both sides are bad. One for out of nowhere forgetting all the development they had for over a decade to just be evil again cause…the plot says so.

The other being painted as dumb and only reacting to things and when they finally decide to act it is in the most baddly written way possible, like going to Lordaeron and not taking precautions against the plague or attacking Zuldazar, kill their leader and not take the chance to take the city.

It is a mess no matter wich side you play.



At least their characters have consistency, and dont pull 180s and act totally erratic like ours. They are not expected to follow someone totally blindly for over a year now.

They really do think the grass is greener on the other side.

Heck one reason they have to have their characters act dumb in the first place is because the alliance characters are so storied and powerful compared to the hordes.

Wish the horde could have one character that even come to that level.

So, no its really only a mess on one side. If anything the horde should probably have a favorable ending.

Yeah. When your story requires you to make characters act in a irrational, stupid way in order for the plot to proceed, chances are. Your plot is bad.

A good plot would allow the characters to act how they where stabilished without compromissing how the narrative progresses, and so far Bfa is the oposite of it.

When you NEED a guy who’s supposed to be a military genius to fall for an obvious trap, when you require entire armies to ignore the basics of war, when you require a character who’s supposed to have a strong moral fiber to be ok with something that goes against every fiber of his being you have a BAD STORY.


There is much more of that on the horde side too hence my above post.

Dont worry im ready for another lecture from the alliance and another ham fisted attempt at making the horde seem heroic and like ‘were not all bad’.


Im sorry, but whats the alliances problem again? They sometimes overlook something and look dumb? Its not even comparable.

Their narrative hasent been blasted to pieces, and eviscerated of all of its interesting characters.

Whats the problem again, like lol I almost already forgot. They sometimes…look like dum dums from time to time, oh yea, thats it? /giggles

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This is not a pitty olympic. I say that all the time and hence why night elf fanboy crybabies hate my guts.

It s bad everywhere you look

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But thats the thing, its really not all that bad everywhere? is it? It seems to be only one side.

They really dont have any of my pitty, and im sure they dont have any for me either.

All im doin is just pointing out straight facts.

Our problem is the entire plot serving only as a plot device for the horde story, the best example is the old soldier cinematic totally dedicated to the horde,instead of you know, the actual victims of the story and not the guy responsible for it.
is not “sometimes” is acting dumb all the time.

tell me how does it makes any sense that we simply want to get rid of sylvanas after varian just told them what would have happened if their failed honor again.
After losing teldrassil because we were outsmarted, going directly into a trap at lordaeron, failling our main dumb goals in dazarlazor.
or sending all the fleet to nazjatar to chase 4 ships.

i mean, i am sure that you didn’t missed the thread where the worgen tried to explain how it feel.

But i understand if you feel like… none of what we said is true and we just simply want to screw the other for the sake of it.
And that is not true.

both sides had it terribly and the only ones who we can blame are the dumb writters for it who think they are making a masterpiece.


What was the Horde story in Legion?

The same place where the alliance story was for 3 expansions in a row.


I didn’t ask where, I asked what.

“This story sucks for our faction.”

“Hurr durr, we had it worse.”

This thread.


What part of. It s bad EVERYWHERE you failed to understand?


That’s what NE have had since Cata. A complete trashing our our race with every single expansion.


Where they took almost the entirety of Kalimdor?

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where they lost almost the entirety of kalimdor until now. And they didn’t lose in a good way, they lost in the worst way possible with most of their people wiped out. Also remember that neutral night elf school in Stonetalon that was bombed?


You’re level 10. Go play the night elf quests, but pay attention this time. The night elves undo everything the Horde does in Kalimdor during Cata, save for Stonetalon.

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I played them and they lost everything including their population at the end


They did not lose “almost everything” in Cata, which is what you claimed.

The cataclysm night elf quest chains are a giant power fantasy ride. So much so that famed night elf poster Amadis is worried that they’ll create a new core content over-ride and replace them.

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