Night elves did not descended from trolls

elves did indeed descend from trolls, specifically dark trolls. the troll empire expanded until a band of dark trolls stumbled upon the well of eternity and evolved into what we know now as night elves.

it would also seem that we will learn the origin of the trolls in shadowlands as a quest item suggests the existence of a primitive race that worshipped the loa Mueh’Zala and evolved into trolls.

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according to the titans

And Cenarius, and Freya, and the Aspects.


To be fair, you’re a troll too. :rofl: All land is troll land and troll land is elf land.

I want to believe this is an attempt by someone who hates some of the NE posters on here and wanted to perform an extremely hyperbolic, over-the-top parody of them. Because, honey…




So why believe your evidence?

Later lore supercedes earlier lore, that actually hurts your argument.


Current lore trumps OG lore,
all other elves came from Night Elves,
and Night Elves came from Dark Trolls.
this is an irrefutable fact until Blizz decides to retcon it


My personal silly conspiracy (let’s say I’d bet $5 on it, but no more) is that every single NEFP (of the obvious variety, of course, not high-level posters) on this forum may be a single, legitimately unwell person posting on dozens of different characters, maintaining an elaborate system of different personas to create a sense that their unhealthy obsession is supported by some kind of plurality of Night Elf players. It’s all just too similar. And when you go down the rabbit hole like that, people start to convince themselves of insane things, like that they’re actually Elves in real life, that offenses against Night Elves are real life crimes, and that canon lore from the developer’s mouth is an elaborate lie. When irrefutable lore goes against your worldview, you discard the canon. Steven King’s Misery can actually happen when someone goes bonkers enough.

Like I said, $5 bet, almost certainly not. But conspiracies can be hard to resist to pretend-believe in; they captivate.


A single person no, definitely a group of friends on a European RP server (due to posting times) that are about 10 or so people with upwards of 30 alts, yes.

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That actually sends a bit of a shiver up my spine, then, if there exists such an echo chamber of people with opinions about Night Elves that have consumed a significant portion of their actual life.

After learning about The Final Fantasy House and Victoria Bitter/Amy Player/Jordan Wood/Andrew Blake/Charles Manson II, there’s probably not much that would surprise me about fandoms, but I still am not aware of anything so bad happening in WoW. The ‘it’s just one person sock-puppeting alts’ conspiracy theory does remind me of something that actually happened on a Smallville message board or forum something back in the day.

I mean, realistically, it’s not like Nelf posters are unique here. I think they were magnified because Teldrassil dominated the forum topics ever since BFA launched. But there is no shortage of Horde posters, or Male human Paladins that are equally as unhinged and obsessive.

Like, there is no need for a conspiracy theory. The forums in general attracts the worst sorts of people.

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I haven’t been posting much, being busy with the game and all. But I have noticed a decent number of lvl 10 NE alts posting on here. Most with all the same exact talking points.

I could just be looking into it way too much but, but it can’t just be a coincidence

If there is a conspiracy wouldn’t they just roll horde or use other race alts?
Its like… if a real terrorist is going to dress up like Osama if he wanted to slip in unnoticed by airport security.

One of them uses a Horde character periodically, but that requires two levels of irony and obfuscates the point.

Around 15,000 years ago a tribe of dark trolls[5] unconcerned by the battles for land and power and longing for a peaceful connection to the world, came to settle near the translucent waters of the Well of Eternity, the prime source of all magic on the planet. Over time, the Well’s cosmic power affected this nocturnal and independent tribe, suffusing their flesh and bones, elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits. They transformed into highly intelligent and virtually immortal beings. Their skin turned various shades of violet, and they grew stronger and taller in stature. The tribe gradually abandoned their ancient heritage and tradition. The mystics began worshiping the moon goddess Elune, who they believed slumbered within the fount’s depth during daylight hours. The former trolls also discovered the name “Kalimdor” and other titan-forged words from communing with Elune and investigating strange artifacts scattered around the Well’s periphery. They adopted the name kaldorei, which meant “children of the stars” in their native tongue.[6][7]


My guess it may be re approached when we eventually meet and deal with Elune. Likely it will end up being another retcon from Chronicles.

The current writers don’t care at all about keeping the lore consistent with the Lore book they published and sold to the player base as “canon”.

How did the Dark Trolls came to be if Night Elves or Elves in General wasn’t from a Tribe Race.

Because night elves did not descended from trolls