Night Elves confirmed as being "nearly wiped out"

In fact, the parallel between the blood elf vs scourge and the NE vs horde.

Wotlk: the BE player get to kill many scourge npc. A human kill the Lich king and a other human take his place. The scourge is still existing and still is a threat but with a other ‘‘good’’ Lich King at his lead.

Bfa: The NE player get to kill many horde npc. A horde leader make the horde warchief leave and other horde leader take the place. The horde is still existing and is still a threat but with other ‘‘good’’ horde leader at his lead…

To claim that one had a better resolution than the other is just being blind and biased at this point. Bfa NE vs horde is nothing more than scourge vs blood elf with the exact same outcome.