Night Elves and the Alliance

What bothers me the most about the Fourth War is, the amount of stupid the devs had to write, alliance side just so sylvanas could be revealed as the next big Super Evil Bad Guy everyone saw coming reveal.

I know the dev has a borderline hate on for kaldorei and worgen races…but the amount of stupid in BfA is just…I’m honestly speechless. :wolf:


I don’t even know why this is a arguement the alliance won hard once again like the garrosh wars the alliance proves that the horde sucks at fighting a multi front war

The invasion of Italy was pretty unnecessary. Italy was pretty much knocked out of the war immediatly after the Taranto raid. After that, Italy needed German aid to accomplish anything throughout the war, and were probably more of a burden than any real tactical aid. This is why Churchill called them the “Soft underbelly of Europe”. But he forgot that Italy is rather mountainous, and difficult terrain for an invasion.

I wouldn’t say the invasion was a failure. Quite the opposite. But it really didn’t serve the big picture anymore than the invasion of Normandy did.

The devs obviously had so much hate for the Night Elves that they made them the premium focus of the Ardenweald story. Just to rub it in, they made Ardenweald resemble Night Elf lands more than anything else. And they made Night Elves the only souls visibly recovered from the Maw.

Just to show how much they hated Tyrande, they’ve given her more cinematic time than anyone else in BFA and the Shadowlands.

Two tyrande cinematic sin 9.1 coming up

A suicide mission to Daz’alor, that failed….Lordaeron was a disaster, Arathi served literally no purpose and hadn’t for over 20+ yrs. But sure, helping the Kaldorei? Nope, not even remotely on the priority list.


What are you talking about dazalore was a success they complete achieved the main objectives

Would remind everyone this same dev team genocided a playable race but you know…details

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Every race in this game been genocided

It was a suicide mission….and they delivered the Zandalari right in to the arms of the horde….that’s not a sucessful mission.


That kinda makes it worse.

“Well we didn’t need to get corrupted to destroy your sacred lands”


Umm lol they completely knocked the trolls out of the war that’s very successful

We obviously didn’t play the same expac than

Oh there was trolls during the siege of org send me pictures I done a play through multiple times and I didn’t see zandas do anything

We can always tell that Kat has entered the chat when conversation devolves into one-sentence quips with no punctuation.

And largely incoherent nonsense while trying to pretend she’s the smartest person in the room.

Shut me up the tell me this impact the zandas had after daralore

Oh, and the mandatory WW2 analogy that doesn’t quite hit home.

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Italy was split in two and Germans had to send more troop that couldn’t be used in the eastern front or d-day

Like the horde had to send troops to zanda and eastern kingdoms troops that couldn’t be used to defend dark shore

And for what it’s worth, I do apologize for being nasty towards you in the past.

Hopefully you can forgive me one day and we can try to mend the fences. :wolf:

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