Night Elf Request and Discussion Thread

Would like to add more options for Darkfallen Kaldorei.


Looks like we are getting some body tats and a new face tat.

Would like to see some more expanded beyond just the arms?

Still nice to have


Nice to have, yep, but not really useful for most players, since stuff like that is only visible, if you run around half naked.

A good list even if there are some things I disagree with.
I personally don’t really think we should get over the top highborne customs as I find it goes against the overall racial fantasy and I doubt the very much humbled Shen’dralar would carry themselves in such a way after they rejoined nelf society. I don’t even think we’ve ever seen someone from the Shen’dralar elaborately dressed or with a lot of fancy jewelry.

All the other things sound amazing tho.

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This was datamined and while I don’t understand how or why we’d accept fire druids… everything’s out the window at this point and it does look swank:

Also, this is pretty bare bones and I hope there’s more to it…


Yes please! This is an amazing list! I love that the Kaldorei are getting their iconic glaives! We do need those glowing tattoos for nelves and also some cute new hairstyles! (I love the ones that you suggested!)


What? Where?

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Right here!

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I’ll be surprised if those actually end up going to Nelfs. Every glaive they’ve made thus far— including the Sentinel glaive and the Trading Post one (which was originally a 1h sword prior to release)— have been warglaive classified.

They may not even exist at all, but we shall see!

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Even the night elf guys could use smaller hands. Male night elf hands are at least as large as their head. I don’t want “delicate” hands for the guys, but I still wouldn’t mind hands that are more proportionate instead of being as big as they are. Female night elf hands are much smaller than the guys, but in both cases the hands are noticeably too large.


these seem incomplete to me i figure there will be more than this


I thought night elves already had black hair?

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Oh feathers would be nice, and flowers!


Night elves need antlers, blue skin, and the cool bald hairstyle with the giant puffy topknot as seen in the old warden concept art.


Pretty sure this already an option…unless I’m thinking of the Nightborne. I don’t play elves.

What I’d really like, amongst all of the other suggestions here, is faces that look more like the vanilla faces. I genuinely like the vanilla faces MUCH more than the faces we have now - theyre so much prettier imo.

Another thing: id love to change the “intensity” of the color of markings. Like, id like to have nelf markings that look like the markings the original night elf had in the vanilla wow trailer.

And god… PLEASE, ONE good ponytail option, preferably one thats longer and is high.


I’d love some built in druidic horns… but that’s probably a class specific customization feature, which would be great to have since a couple of classes already have them (i.e. DK unique skins, DH, etc).


Unfortunately it’s only a Nightborne option currently :frowning:

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Yeah, the female faces in retail are significantly wider. At least, seems that way to me.


We need azshara skin tone, is weird that we don’t have it already.