Night elf model fixes when?

I just want normal sized handss!!! D=


This particular stance I’ve never understood, as the lady Night Elves have hands that are proportionate to their frame. She is of a larger race, and therefore her hands would match.

If they were smaller she would look quite deformed.


I’d really like for Blizzard to go back and work on Night Elf and Nightborne. Both the men and women could be soooo much better. The Nb and Nelf men look really goofy, and the Nelf ladies look nothing like they should, neither do the female Nb

I’d fix the male NE body proportions by giving them larger waists and altering the width of their shoulder position. It’d be nice to see them get a few younger faces too; they’re all pretty old and gross right now.

I’d also change how the female NE are built, too. I’d give them broader shoulders and make them slightly more muscled, and I’d change their faces to be bit ‘nicer’ by making their head shape and faces match the proportions and aesthetic to what they looked like in Classic.


This is a myth.

I’m glad someone is addressing the real mystery here.

Male night elves right shoulder armor is tilted

It’s very distracting and the sole reason I won’t play one

If they just fixed those female NE man hands…


I really like how nelves look in classic. My issue with the new model is that some faces disappeared, and others lost the identity.

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She is very mad :slight_smile:

I just went through the night elf customization options in shadowlands. VERY disappointed in the male options. Seems they didn’t try at all for them. Only the women.

they need nothing, they’re perfect

They’re the only ones that matter

I still shed a tear knowing the most beautiful night elf facial option is gone.

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I left nelf and went to belf because of the horrible wod model update for Night Elf females that aged my cute face Night Elf 30 years and made her not cute anymore. Hard to believe all these years later there still hasn’t been a fix for that. WoW Classic still has the cute face Night Elf female.


No snark intended, but are the Nightborne models as bad as they are because they’re based off the Night Elf model?

Void Elves look leagues better and they’re based on a model most would agree look well done, so…

I honestly don’t like the new NE models, either. It changes the face completely - you can compare the vanilla faces in Classic to the new models, and they’re quite different. And the faces are largely the same too.

It took them like a whole expansion to add eyelashes.


We had atleast two super cute faces, i miss them :frowning: my main is a velf now, but i love nelves, i want them to be pretty again.

I see a lot of complaints about nightborne model, but look at night elves… wod model destroyed their identity and it’s been years without fixes.
Night elf posture is wrong, faces are wrong, body proportions are wrong… Night elves are an iconic wow race, they deserve better.

I miss the old model, but if they fix the posture i will be happy.