Night Elf Darkfallen?

I know it’s very unlikely, but I’m still wondering. Is it possible for Bolvar or any future Lich King to decide he wants some vampyrs running around? I know Vrykul were to be Darkfallen, and some other races- I’m just wondering if my character being Darkfallen can be canonically protected. I’ve been wanting to figure this out for weeks as I’ve only recently grown in interest of our bloodthirsty friends. I’ve looked many places but no luck on finding a definitive answer.

If it can be done on a blood elf, I don’t see why it can’t be done on a night elf. However, “san’layn” do have a bit of a bad rep among the RP community (then again, I’m an WrA homebody, and haven’t really touched MG). In short, the San’layn are basically just blood death knights in cloth armor, much like how your typical necromancer is an unholy death knight in cloth armor.


If only more people had your mindset. Thank you. Now I have a bit more confidence.

So if you want to theres a darkfallen/sanlynn discord community that kinda talks about all the possibilities.
There is still a blood prince out there and in all honesty, we are going into the shadowlands which has venthyr. a similar looking blood sucking elf ish race. Could be a allied race right?

I’d love to join. Thanks for the opportunity. I’d love to learn more about the Darkfallen.

The time I flirted with making a San’Layn I figured I’d make it a Nelf DK. Their models look more like Nelves to me anyway and honestly as by design you’re not RPing a factory standard race so what’s it matter?

I could actually see more a demand for them on the Alliance. Maybe it’s personal and petty but they do have a tendency to bug me as a Forsaken player. Like we’ve already got bats, sleep in coffins, have eerie lanterns and spires everywhere. Hell we’re the only race in game that actively can consume the living for sustenance.

‘Oh so you want all the cool undead themes you just want the pretty princess game model’ is kind of my attitude. Which is not to say I haven’t met good San’Layn RPers but for Blue players I guess it’d be like if humans decided they get all the Dwarf themes now.

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Dude, the Horde’s been pretty since Burning Crusade, and, as a human IRL, I’m totally down for being more fat, drunk, and hairy.

But, as someone who almost always RPs “ugly” characters, I can appreciate wanting to hoard “dark undead” themes from the princesses.

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Hey the undead are absolutely gorgeous thank you kindly. I also adore the Sin’Dorei. However I think they have their own things going. For DKs it works just fine but I’ve had like DHs pretending they’re San’Layn and at a point just, no. Roll some type of undead at the very least.

You just can’t find a one for one of this elsewhere. People don’t roll Darkspear Shaman then go ‘Hrmm you know how about this but my character is a Goblin Rogue’.

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I don’t see the necessity to restricting such a character to cloth armor. Yeah the main San’layan foes have been casters, but the original model for such characters Vlad Tepes was warrior through and through.

It was just a metaphor, tbh. Lore stretching is my favorite game, so I wind up saying something like, “it’s just like x, but in y armor” lol

So, sure. Plate it up.