Night Elf customizations

Hopefully they add leaves In the hair as part of the jewelry


And necklaces.


I spied male Night Elves with silver eyes! Iā€™m beyond ecstatic!



The sandy hair color is amazing on a night elfā€¦ I wonder what the new colors will mean for our druid forms. Pink panthers! Lol


give night elf males THESE BEARDS

https: //im0-tub-com. yandex. net/i?id=a5986fcba6ca0ae26f1f46f6bb42f955&n=13&exp=1

Didnā€™t even think about that.

Seriously. Why are modern female Night Elves so different to the old ones?

They look good now, but they looked pretty amazing back in the day.


My rogue will finally blend in with the shadows.

I think they tried to make them more distinct from BE :confused:

Iā€™d hope not, tbh. Night Elves were around first. But I honestly doubt Blizzard did that. Nelves have always been broader and had a fair bit of muscle behind their frames. They were a good mix of elegance and being barbaric, imo.

Theyā€™re a little bit less attractive now and their broadness has been toned down a bit, but theyā€™re still aight. If I were Blizzard, Iā€™d personally go back and rework their models. Same with female Orcs and Tauren, lel.


Troyā€™s image.


No! This is patently incorrect. While I want pretty toons too. Do not fall for this fluff for a 3rd consecutive expac when game play is muddled, reduced to insufferable grinds, and pruning has not been corrected for all classes and specs. While admittedly welcomed, transmogs are lazy game fluff with the guise of something new and substantive.

AP grind is gone In SL my friend.

Yeah this would be nice, iam sure they could tweak the models with out a WOD style redo. Fix the belt line on the females and maybe make them a tad more feminine. And definitely make the males better. At least fix the waist.

A dozen rep grinds some other power accrual grind, and a multi tiered silly pathfinder grind remainā€¦my darling.

Iā€™m liking the tats for men, thatā€™s some much-needed customization. The first ā€˜dark elfā€™ skin there is kind of interesting, too. But hair colors! Even ORANGE!

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Needs more antlers.


Iā€™m hoping the Night Warrior eyes are no longer linked to one skin color because my male night elf shadow priest would look great in that first ash-tone skin with the new tattoos and the dark eyes. Canā€™t wait to see what other customizations theyā€™ll get and how the new colors will affect druids :heart_eyes:


Ahhh yes. That would be simply amazing.

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Blond hair? Thinking that third male skin color is to match, what is it, skin color 7(?) for the female Night Elves in hue (almost pale human in tone.) Always thought it would be nifty if Alliance get their ā€œHigh Elvesā€ through a primitive breed. As in, what the current High Elves must have started out as when they first left Kalimdor for the Eastern Kingdoms eons ago.

Mind, everything weā€™ve seen from every race might not even be the full allotment of new skin and hair colors for any given race while Blizzard deliberateā€™s behind the curtains.

I liked how their faces were feminine and their bodies were pretty broad and muscled. It would be amazing to see them look like that again, haha.

Their faces are a little odd right now, but I still enjoy their aesthetic. Iā€™d completely change the shape of their heads to match the way they were in classic, same with their physique. Needs to be a little bit wider.

The men are a total mess, imho.