Nice work bringing back classic Ashran

When I play healers in KR as alliance, I am almost always immediately swarmed by npc’s that wreck me. Like it appears we are all going to take the graveyard. 20 of us charge in. The pally attacks the lieutenant, 15 people just run by instead of joining in, 3 regular mobs swarm me, the pally is not a tank so he goes down. We wipe. The graveyard didnt cap so I spawn in our base wayyyy far away, then i am stuck at the horde choke point just south of the rams/harpies.

AV is the worst ever? No way, it’s the best epic battleground. The only battleground I like better overall is Warsong Gulch. It’s simple in concept, capture the flag, but people get real creative playing inside the box. I’ve seen players do some amazing things and win in there.

Ashran not AV.

Ashran is the worst BG ever made.

I like AV. It’s my fav BG.

Oh, my bad. I read that wrong. Yea, AV really is an awesome battleground and even losing can be epic and fun.