Also, if you’re not posting on your Classic toon, you’re not that invested.
Cloud resources are elastic. They can be expanded. They just don’t want to spend the money at our expense. Telling me that the situation sucks and I should just deal with it is not what a paying customer for a service should ever have to deal with.
I mostly played on Darkspear but made a Tich alt near the end
…can confirm the above as true!
Full PVP server = best PVP server!
Its not a network problem, its a social one. Layers won’t disappear.
I mostly played on Darkspear
That was my OG Vanilla server. Didn’t move from there till sometime after TBC
they can’t keep increasing the realm population caps if they ever want to remove layerying
So they have talked about how each layer holds around 3k people right?
So it’s not a matter of server space it’s what the game was meant to hold. If they turn off layers and the game is now 20k+ people trying to run around SW the game just won’t function like it should (I’m just throwing numbers around, I have no idea what populations are).
Ultimately I have been on servers prior to phasing that were high pop, and you would wait hours and then just move at 2 FPS due to way too many people in one area. BC launch and wotlk come to mind.
Think about end game, you only want X amount as your max pop online farming argent crap, or whatever else people will be standing around unable to farm rep/items, etc.
I just worked 12 hours so if this made only a modicum of sense I’m sorry lol.
So it’s not a matter of server space it’s what the game was meant to hold. If they turn off layers and the game is now 20k+ people trying to run around SW the game just won’t function like it should (I’m just throwing numbers around, I have no idea what populations are).
Basically. The more people on the server, the longer Phase 2 will be delayed for everyone.
Welcome to your popular streamer PvP server - hope you enjoyed your stay (I mean que).
For those of us who actually like playing the game we joined a server like Old Blanchy and have zero ques. But of course we don’t get to follow Asmongold or the others around like zombies.
When my queue starts acting up I just eat a snikers and everything is right with the universe.
That’s a cute little story.