NGL Hogwarts Legacy looks good

Lot people can disagree on that. point at the OW dev team

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Yup, they legit fell for the PR stunt in firing the people caught and not the massive company that protected them for so long. They legit paying for these evil people to get money while complaining about an Authors views on twtitter. She hasn’t harmed anyone directly while blizzard…yeah…people died under their watch.

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I am not upset at others.

I am simply stating my position. I won’t judge you for spending your money where you want to. It’s your money. I have zero right to judge you for spending it on whatever you want.

Judging by the replies I’ve received there are far more people upset that I am not supporting a transphobe.

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I’m judging you because you care more about her views than actual actions while posting here, which you need to pay for, for a company that protected actual harmful people. It’s hypocritical.


I feel like this thread was a bit bait-y solely because it was posted in GD instead of… you know… the subforum dedicated specifically to non-Warcraft games. Especially given the OP’s attitude towards people who simply answered the question of “are you buying it” because he didn’t like their reasons for not planning to.

That said, I am personally on the fence with it right now. Cancelled my preorder, since nothing much interesting on that end in terms of exclusives.

Partly because of the distaste I get when thinking of that subhuman trogg Rowling getting paid even more royalties to donate to whatever hateful groups she supports.

Partly because I’m getting to the point I’m tired of preordering games and something almost always being wrong with them. The game industry has been getting worse and worse with releasing games in unfinished, broken, or badly-designed states meant to sell day-one DLC or get fixed later in patches after they’ve gotten everyone’s money already. It’s been a huge factor in how I approach modern games lately, and why I’ve started sticking more to old stuff and indie developed games. Unless I know the developer ahead of time or just like the company/dev’s work (see: anything Yoko Taro does), I don’t tend to preorder anymore until I hear about how the game is.

That said, I do want the game. I can admit that. Harry Potter was what I grew up with - like many people, I’m sure. It was one of my first ‘big’ books I read as a child, and what ultimately got me started on being an avid book lover. It’s been a magical part of my life since - and all I’d ever wanted, as a wee lass playing the admittedly terrible movie-based video game adaptations in her room on the PS1, was a massive open world HP game set not in Harry’s particular adventures, but just the world at large.

Hogwarts Legacy is, in that respect, a dream come true. It’s just difficult to be fully happy about it, due to the stain JKR has left on her work. I am not trans myself, but three of my best friends are, and I watch and support a ton of trans creators. Her attitude towards people like them is absolutely awful, and normally I’d drop her work without a second thought… but because it’s been such a huge part of my life, it isn’t that easy. I do oftentimes take a “separate the art from the artist” stance, but it gets less easy to do if the artist is actively - if not directly - harming people I care about.

That said, one of my trans friends is super excited for the game because, like me, it was a huge part of her life growing up. Even with how she feels about JKR, she’s taken a stance of “I’m going to take it back from that awful person” - and honestly, I can’t help sharing the sentiment. Many HP fans on the LGBTQ+ spectrum have taken that stance, because for all the problems in the material itself, and all the problems with its creator, it’s still our childhood. It’s still our world (not legally, but insofar as our personal feelings go).

So I don’t know. I am likely going to wait for my friend’s review of the game before I decide, especially since if it’s anything like Elden Ring in terms of processing power, my poor ol’ PS4 might sound like a jet engine trying to play it, and I’ve not had the luck to grab a PS5 yet.


I’ve heard worse so this isn’t really poking the nerve you think

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Can you give an example of what things she has said or done that you do not support?

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I didn’t pre-order either, not because of Rowling or whatever. Just because I do not ever pre-order games and wait 2 weeks to see if the game is actually good or not.

Took my a year to get cyberpunk 2077 just go get the bugs fixed. Hopefully the game is good so I can buy it since the game looks amazing.


oh yeah but i will wait to see how it plays first

I am a sucker for preordering WoW xpacs, but that is it.

Why is this post flagged?
This community has always been one for a refined palate, but man, some of you need to touch grass or something.

As for the game, not a HP fan but it looks good.
My PC probably can’t run it though. It’s starting to struggle with newer games.


yeah but what the magic its better then high school you get magic

Because for some reason, twitter and reddit is mad that people want Hogwarts Legacy so they keep preaching about how evil JK rowling is. Like…do you know the companies that make games are like? She is child’s play to the evil the companies we buy stuff from.


I was upset at Blizzard when the lawsuit was public, and I was very vocal about how the company needed to get cleaned up.

It has been.

Every creeper at Blizzard Entertainment has been fired. Even the leadership who allowed it to continue are no longer at the company. Note that I said ‘Blizzard Entertainment’ and not ‘Activision Blizzard’ because Activision Blizzard and Blizzard Entertainment are separate companies.

Activision Blizzard and many of the subsidiaries over on Activision Publishing’s side of the pond still need to purge their ranks of creepers and clean up their act. But Blizzard Entertainment cleaned house.

You may disagree and think that ‘it’s a PR stunt’ but if it was then the creepers and scumbags would all still be there. They’re not. Believe what you want though.

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Believe nothing, the ones protecting them are still getting paid. Bobby still getting your money even though he was all part of the problem. But keep thinking you are doing something. You legit are paying for that evil’s new boat.

So now I know that you will take actual abusers for a ride with blizzard and buy their PR stunt of getting rid of SOME of the problem people and hate on one crazy womens rant on twitter.


No idea why the OP got flagged. He said that the game looks good and he will probably buy it and that is somehow flag worthy to some of you?


Hogwarts Legacy is the most controversial game ever! Funny thing it is pg-13 as hell and very inclusive. Why? JK rowling that’s why. Let’s just ignore the other game companies and their evil deeds that actually affected people and not just made people mad on twitter.

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Remember when Blizzard hired co-Presidents Jen Oneal and Mike Ybarra, and then Jen Oneal quit because she was being paid less than Mike Ybarra? How about their union busting until the courts stepped in? Heck how about how they still treat their QA workers?

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Likely because the post was designed to troll given the current furor around it and J.K Rowling’s stance on transgender individuals.

Even if it wasn’t designed to troll, it’s in the wrong forum. There’s a specific sub-forum for non-Blizzard games which is where a thread on Hogwart’s Legacy belongs. Not here.


She also wrote a book just to try and back up her insane views.