Next week we…

Get all the new shiny things!

What is something you’re excited about for new patch/season?

New pvp season.

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The first week of being so bad at the dungeons without leavers because they’re all also bad and need gear :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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not needing charges in the catalyst to promote season two gear to aberrus tier. Which means I could finally finish my process of getting my priest heroic priest garb using the catalyst


Loa tiger pet. AotC “mount”. Those are probably my biggest things I’m looking forward to.

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I can’t wait for all the exact same affix combos we’ve had over and over again that make me feel like I’m wasting my money on this game! /o/

No ones forcing you to do it if you’re not having fun with it.

Druid stuff. Healer buffs. Rogue rework. I main druid and my alt has been an Outlaw rogue since Legion.

The dungeon line up looks boring though. The affixes are bland and I really dislike Afflicted and Sanguine. Afflicted was put there to punish you for pugging M+ and Sanguine wasn’t designed for the cramped, old dungeons like Uld, hell Sanguine doesn’t even work in Halls of Infusion. It’s just an insanely stupid affix that cuts into the design of the dungeons.
“Here’s your narrow, 2 foot wide bridge that has a random thing that knocks you off bro, oh by the way, here’s Sanguine to break that design, so you just can’t stand anywhere anymore, enjoy”


Great! Does that mean I also don’t have to pay for the weeks I don’t want to play?!

I might not play a druid religiously but I think mentally my druid is just “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” in my head at all the pretty goodies I’ll fetch on Rosenivy

Just picture a happy tauren druid all

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Tbh, it still hasn’t really sunk in for me that by next week we’ll be at that phase where DF is semi-officially a part of the past. Yeah we’ve got 10.2 coming, but everyone will be talking about the next expansion, the cinematic, the presented features etc. DF felt crazy short, but for me personally, I don’t really mind. On to the next story.

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