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Me or the one arguing with me? I’m not mad at all

“Rotten Poop” Guy is mad. Not you.

I don’t know, you seem kind of mad, and very confused.

Nope. On both accounts.

Awesome to know blizzard is still listening, great change. Excitement is rising I need a release date!

-Sinclaire -Torch-

It has been well documented that eating :poop: can put people in a foul mood.

I’m about to be mad though. I’m at thr dentist and they have needles.

I’m hoping they decide to open up RP-PvP servers at launch.

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RP-PVP server info! slams fist onto table That, or how there day is going.


They are necessary for raiding guilds.

First of many stress tests. Help me, help you blizzard :hugs: