Next class leaked!

To be quite frank, I think you’re giving them a little too much credit. And I highly doubt we’ll ever see any incarnation of “WoW 2.”

Blizzard is owned by Activision now, remember. This is Activision’s MO.

Well, when they’re not making a COD every year.

That’s a lot of foresight.

They’re reinventing the wheel every two years, and they milk things until they’re no longer profitable. WoW is still profitable. MMOs are a huge gamble, and WoW is one of the very few that have been financially viable. Why would they throw out an existing revenue stream?

Before Shadowlands rebound the subs have been on a steady decline, and during late Legion/BFA the Activation team overtook them in profitability margins IIRC. The main reason I think they would do it is to eventually move to multiplatform. I don’t think Activision execs would think Blizzard is sustainable indefinitely on WoW. It’s not throwing out an existing Revenue stream, it’s bringing in a bigger audience with an ‘updated’ version of the MMO (beyond what expansions are capable of) and… probably some kind of multiple-blizzard-IP story.

And they’ll gamble on Titan 2?

Well, yes. Keep in mind that the projection here is that subs will continue to decline and eventually the game won’t be as profitable to spend development resources on. At that point it’s less of a gamble and more of a necessity to spark interest with a new game. Instead of Titan 2, I think they’re just taking it slower this time to work it out. Thus the ‘multi-expansion’ plan to keep interest while doing so.

Again, I just think that’s giving them too much credit.

Maybe. I could just be a Goblin high on Kaja’mite and channeling Charlie.

I challenge you to name any cool thing they could add that wouldn’t be framed by the community as “subs must be down and they want people back”.

Dragonsworn. Really cool concept, ties will well with the world, but there’s not exactly high demand for it.

I’ve suggested CC support roles for at least 2 years now. In World of Warcraft.

We have specs with multiple DPS roles for instance that would benefit from having another purpose filled role. Like Warlocks, Hunters, Mages have no other role besides DPS.

So it would expand like Everquest to:

  1. Tank
  2. Heal
  3. CC
  4. DPS

And that 3rd role would be filled by some of the existing specs that are DPS specs. Like:

  1. Warlock - Demonology - Tank path: Summon a powerful demon that can tank for groups and raids. The demonologist specializes in powerful demons and spells that enhance those demons.
  2. Warlock - Demonology - CC path: Summon a multitude of demons for controlling large packs of enemies.
  3. Warlock - Affliction - Tank path: Specializes in powerful curses and life drain to mitigate enemy damage.
  4. Hunter - Beast Mastery - Tank path: Summon a powerful beast that can tank for groups and raids. The beast master specializes in abilities that enhance the beast.
  5. Mage - Frost - CC path: Summon defensive spells to control and manipulate enemies.

You can see some similarities on how these blend together to serve similar purposes. With some slight tweaks to how the base classes work the player remains ranged (and so uses ranged defensives) while their spell layout and pets serve the role that’s needed.

Then the dungeons and raids would be tweaked to require dedicated CC support roles. These roles don’t have 30-45 second cooldowns that other specs have in a pinch. Their purpose is much more suited to controlling sustained packs of trash mobs and of course expanding the lineup of available tanks. Even giving us a ranged tank that some might prefer playing.

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I would love to play as a Bard! I played one in EverQuest and I quite enjoyed it. Never liked the Tinker concept.


You don’t seem to understand that their class design was literally put off through most of Legion and the only thing done was damage buffed.

You’re still mixing up balance for design.

Eh, I rolled a Shaman because it was pitched as a support class.

I’ll keep trying to realize that role until the game shuts down.

Wolrd of warcraft, not world of Lovecraft.

Keep them ninny bards away from this game!

Blood bending, yaaaaaas.

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Would love to see a boon class…I’d rather see boon specializations be implemented instead of a new class, but I’ll take what they give.

Same so icky

I want bards way more! If it had 2 healing/support specs I’d :sob: :heart_eyes:

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I mean, I appreciate WoW’s incarnations of the class:

I just think it’s a huge stretch to think it’ll ever become playable.

But I said the same thing about pandas…

Off heals are a legitimate approach to raid and M+ content. At least for multiboxers :smiley: