Next allied races datamined?

What else would you use it for? Silly goblin.

No just makes you a jerk. Never said it was illegal. Just wrong.

The only people with mental issues are the ones who can’t handle other people being different and trying to quietly eradicate difference by social shaming which is exactly what furry hate is.

Because they were stupid enough to abandon the interests society told them were unfit for adults doesn’t mean everyone is stupid like them and will do the same, I will always do what I enjoy and anyone who tries to change me is a moron not even worth consideration.

And the whole animal in human body is an exaggerated joke used to justify furry hate as if the majority of furries are that while on the other hand a big part of furries are lgbt and are on the lewd bits

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Yeah but you can dislike something and keep it to yourself. No one cares about your crappy opinions. Also as a psych major and someone with many friends and acquaintances who are full therapists. There is nothing inherently mentally ill about furries. Someone doing something you don’t understand or like is not mental illness. Fun fact. I’m not a furry any more then being interested in playing beast races in video games (and not the only thing I play) but I will stand up against people who are disrespectful, rude, or bigotted.

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Dude, I dated a guy whose mother actually thought she was a dragon.

If that’s not mental illness idk what is.

I dont care what other people want to do in regards to "Im not going to stop you, but Im sure gonna think some of you(looking at you, mrs young) sre friggin weird.

That noted, i love worgen but dont think saberon exactly fit the storyline.

Source was probably 4chan.

Youre making me laugh.

Good one.

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Boy, this thread went downhill

This is actual fact, yes.

Playable alpacas confirmed.

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OP is missing their source.

That said, I’m open to Saberon as an Allied Race. I think it’s fair for the Alliance to get to go to WoD to recruit Yrel and the Draenei over there, and bring over the Saberon as an Allied Race in the process. The Draenei and Lightforged Draenei in the MU would benefit from a population boost from the AU.

If the Horde gets Mag’har Orcs from the AU, the Alliance should get something too.

That, and I think it’d be pretty sweet to have Yrel as the official racial leader for the Lightforged Draenei instead of Turalyon or Captain Fareeya.

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The fact that someone plays an animal race does not make them a furry, bro.
Also as a side-note, have you ever considered that humans are animals?


If its that leak, they’re on the horde, so i don’t care. at least i get to kill them

I doubt we have saberon at the alliance!
They have a horde vibe!

And frankly, with the devs’ current disposition, if there is any other race made for the alliance, it would be something like what we have had with junkgnomes and kultiras!

Nothing special and just more placebo and compromise! Ha-Ha-Ha!

Saberon? That means we’re going back to Draino-land to fight Yrel or bake cookies.


That’s right you don’t and you should stop commenting as if you do.


Nope some made there here witht he Mag’har

Lol no. Why would they be on the Horde? They’re going to be on Alliance. Now be nice to the gnominator’s or they’ll crush you under tread.

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Like the Horde’s are any more inspired. Haggard Nelves, Tauren with antlers, Brown Orcs, Trolls with straight backs and icthyosis?


 I’ll give you that Vulpera are certainly a possibility, but on what world could Saberon be an AR? Last I checked they’re a inhabitant of AU Draenor (none still survive in MU Outlands) 
 and that place is both off-limits by all indications; and the Saberon are massively savage and tribal (and considering the Mag’har come from that world, that’s saying something).

The next two ARs (if and when they come) are liable to be the Gnome and Goblin ARs. This means that yes, it will likely be the JunkerGnomes for the Alliance; and either the Vulpera OR Kelfin for the Horde (and honestly, I sort of hope its the latter by this point so we hear less complaining for the Alliance; plus 
 the Kelfin would bring in Sea Giants and Mukrura to the Horde).

After that 
 I fully expect there to be at least ONE more round of them. However, has anyone thought perhaps that the Kul Tirans are meant to be the GILNEAN AR, rather than the Humans of SW’s? Genn is effectively the Rokhan of that storyline, the Kul Tirans Human ancestry comes from Gilneans, and they have access to their own strange druid forms. On top of this, outside of Worgen NEs 
 there really isn’t many in game races that rely on the Worgen rigs (and none of them really seem to make a whole lot of sense as the WORGEN AR atm).

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Well if that does happen i’ll delete my account because they obviously don’t care about the alliance if we’re getting those abombinations

They care about the Alliance and the gnome players. They just don’t care about you elven snowflakes.

If Horde get Vulpera, i think the player imbalance will become worse.

Very silly idea.