Next allied races datamined?

So whats the source on any of this? What was datamined and by who?


Yes uwu :3

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Polls aren’t “datamining” and don’t belong in a thread about races being datamined.

They’re just opinions.


Saberon would be
ok, I guess
 but WTB Sethrak instead.

Lizardfolk > catfolk, especially SNAKES!


UNFORTUNATELY. I cannot divulge my source. But WOWHEAD should confirm within a few days. I’d say no more then 2 weeks. But I doubt it’ll take that long.[quote=“Burkkins-moon-guard, post:17, topic:243256”]
So what like, furry class? “OwO cuddles”?

The pending name is just “Savage” but I doubt that’s what they’re calling it.

At no point did I say confirmed. I said there was data-mined info to indicate it.

For now. Fairly shortly you’ll see. If you are untrusting then yeah I got nothing for you currently. But hey if this isn’t what happens feel free to call me out on it. I’ll admit to being wrong.

Was gonna say
 there hasn’t been any datamined images. Haha. Good one.

The worgen are going to help them calm their savage nature, and the saberon in turn are gonna help remind the worgen that they aren’t just human. Help them to let loose a bit of their savage.

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Well that certainly would be a curveball.

I don’t think anyone had saberon on their radar, and I think Alliance would feel less grieved about horde getting Vulpera if they get Thundercats


I could believe it.

Worgen were always going to be one of the more difficult races to add an Allied race affiliate for. With Vulpera mirroring Goblins, it makes sense that they’d want to add an allied race to the Alliance Catalclysm race, as both are getting long-anticipated updated models.

People have actually wanted playable Saberon since we saw them. Cat people would have a good draw - and the furry-shaming can come from both sides of the aisle if people are really feeling that insecure about their nerdy fantasy video game hobby.

Worgen have long wanted a class that fights with tooth and claw. The speculative class could offer that.

And beast-races - furbolgs, tortollans, tuskaar, quillboar, gnolls, murlocs, and so on - are a core setting staple that helps distinguish Azeroth from the baseline faux-medieval fantasy setting.

I can see development wanting to work with that, especially if it’s the Wild Gods (Life) versus the power behind the Shadowlands (Death) or whatever Sylvanas is monkeying with in her So-Long-As-I-Can’t-Die gambit.

Am I convinced? Nah. But I am persuaded that it could be so. This is one of the more credible speculations I have read in a while.


I’ve seen datamining for all but the Saberon. Please point to where you found this information.

As for you being unable to divulge your source, I must contest that sentiment as datamining isn’t against the rules, and if you got this information from someone that did so, they likely don’t work for Blizzard so there’s no risk.


It’s not even Sunday.


Saberon would be so far outta left field the playerbase would be likely to riot like they did during WoD.


I am not totally against the whole bestial affinity of some of the races however if say those two were to be correct i am not sure i would be happy.

The interesting things about orcs, elves, goblins, trolls, etc is that the non humanoid part doesn’t really relate to anything bestial, it is very mythical.

We need more races like them when it comes to new races that aren’t reskins like Allied races, arguably it is hard to do as we pretty much do have all the generic RPG type races like so.

If they are to go to bestial route i’d like them to introduce again more RPG based races like Kobolds or Centaurs.

Vulpera just don’t fit the whole stereotype, i can’t seem to find their evil or maniacal trait, each Horde race has its flawed traits, either they are un-empathetic savages, human eating undead, greedy conmen or narcissistic hedonists they each have their “monstrous” trait, that is something i don’t see the Vulpera sharing, it just doesn’t seem to be a part of their culture if they’re going to be Horde based that is.

I don’t really know anything about Saberon and i will refrain from saying much about them except i don’t really like them because i hate cats, though i could see them being interesting, i feel as if a new class, a primalist of sorts who focuses on fist weapons would be an interesting combination.

The furry appeal is a little over the top however i don’t really think that is the intent, i just think they’re running out of concepts they can explore for feasible races and are going down the beast blend path.

My dream for 9.0 is that everything is entirely unpredictable and the antagonists actually win throwing us into a new era in a destroyed world, which would introduce unexpected races or classes on maybe a new world we found refuge on.


Source or fake news.


I’d rather see more established WoW races brought into the mix over some weird anthropomorphic animal fanservice.


Anthropomorphic animals ARE “more established WoW races”.

Worgen, pandaren, tortollan, gnolls, quillboar, furbolg, tuskarr, murlocs, taunka, yaungol, hozen, etc.

They are one of the salient features most clearly distinguishing WoW from other fantasy settings.


Dolly and Dot are my best friiiends.



Gonna need some sauce on this whopper, OP.


I’m questioning the Saberon thing, but I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if Vulpera are made playable.

Please Blizz. <3


Saberon is what I’m hoping for.


Don’t quote me on this but I thought I read or heard somewhere they were going to take a break on allied race until a later expansion? I mean it would be alright for future races but people see the more races the less the core races that started in this game will be left behind. I think that blizzard need to just make “skins” more utilized and update some of the visuals of the spells more unique.
I think more skins and spell updates will be something to consider.
Please I can speculate just like the rest of you. :stuck_out_tongue:

idk but if you want to assume anyone who plays a beast race is a furry then you can take that faulty logic and apply it to the race population distribution. add up all the beast races and compare them to the “flavor of human” races to see which is paying more. granted many people have alts across most if not all races so the numbers may be skewed quite a bit.

but i would guess that eventually all races with 2 arms and 2 legs will become an ailed race to boost race change sales. it has been stated wow makes more money from in game sales than it does from subs.